Not Funny!

“You may think you’re funny, Mom,” 

“but you’re NOT!!”

Oh, but I am, Lassie.
I am.
I’m hilarious.

Dearest Readers (yes, you!), we would love to see some pictures of our doggie friends on our Facebook! If you’re interested and willing, please go post a picture of your sweet dog(s) on our Facebook wall! Include their name(s) and, if you wish, their blog and/or Facebook urls! It’ll be fun and nice to see all your gorgeous dogs. 😀

Thank you for reading.
Have a nice day!

Romping in the snow!

Tuesday, with all the snow pictures I shared, I said I would share a few videos, too.
Well, here are those videos meshed (a little sloppily, hah, sorry) into one video.
In it you will see Lassie and Petal running, barking, playing fetch (the wrong way, haha), defending the yard, Lassie rolling in snow and a few of the things he must put up with and endure when he hangs out with me and Petal. Such a patient boy he is. Haha.

Enjoy! :]

P.S. Our snow is all gone now. :[ But it was fun while it lasted!

We have snow, snow, snow!

As I mentioned yesterday, we got quite a bit of snow Sunday! It snowed all morning and most of the afternoon as well.
The Collies are loving it. I’m enjoying the break from the mud, though I’m not anticipating the break to last very long. It’s already nice and sunny today.

These pictures were taken Sunday as we romped around in the snow. I have a few videos, too, which I’ll have to post some time.
But for now, enjoy some pictures!

Handsome dude!

“Hey! Mom! I’m cute too! Take MY picture!”







Me & Lassie ♥

Mr. Adorable Face

This face.

This face kills me.
It’s his “Are you gonna throw that? ‘Cause I want it. Throw it! Throw it! Throw it!” face.
AKA his Mr. Adorable Face.


Do your dogs make any face that are extra super cute?
When do they make it? For a treat? Their favorite toy?


Five Random Facts: Lassie

We’ve seen five random facts about Petal and Ella, that must mean that Lassie is next!


1: Lassie, despite what the name may suggest, is indeed a boy. For those of you who didn’t already know. I originally wanted a female Collie, because I knew Lassie meant girl, but my Mom wouldn’t let me get a girl dog at the time (she didn’t want to deal with a female going into heat, can’t say I blame her). So I got a boy and stubbornly stuck with the name I so badly wanted to give my Collie. I ignored anyone who tried to convince me to call him Laddie instead.
2: He’s my best friend and second shadow. He has been since I was 13. And, from the time that I was 13, all of his training was/has been done by me. He went to one training class, because my Dad and grandma insisted on it, at Petsmart. He already knew most of the commands the trainer taught (him and I were also the youngest dog/owner there), but it was still fun.
3: My Mom and I built him an agility course when I was about 14 or 15. He loved doing all the jumps and the weave poles were kind of fun, too, but the jumps were his favorite. He still, to this day, prefers jumping to anything else. He’d rather jump for a ball thrown straight into the air than run after a ball thrown straight ahead.
4: Children = Sheep. Lassie loves any and all “sheep” though he will herd them any chance he gets. Lovingly, of course. ;] But babies will always be his favorite. He’s so gentle and sweet with them.
5: Suitcases upset him. He knows they mean I’m leaving for more than just a few hours and he might not be going with. He gets ridiculously excited when he does get to go.

That’s my handsome boy that I could ramble about for hours and days.
But I’ll spare you and stop here. ;]


Crazy Weather & Some Mud

We’ve been having some crazy weather lately.
It was nice for a few days, then freezing and snowing for a few days,

Feb. 2 
The Collie Couple.

and now it’s nice again.

Very nice.
Except for the mud.

Feb. 9, Muddy Nose
Feb. 8, Blue Skies

Mud can be fun, but it can also be a huge pain.
It’s fun to watch Petal run and slid around in it.
But the clean up afterwards is not fun.
And neither is getting a hug from a muddy puppy.
But I’m loving these beautiful blue skies.

A Snow Filled Stroll

We got some lovely snow this morning!
And we decided to be a little crazy and go walking in it.
It was cold and I got pelted in the eye with snow flakes; which hurts more than it sounds like it would.
But it was fun! Lassie and Petal enjoyed the snow, but Ella stayed in the toasty warm house. She’s not a fan of the cold.

To the trail!

Snowy nosies!

Cozy warm back at home!

We’re loving the snow! We hope it sticks around for awhile, but we’re not holding our breath for it because it likely won’t.
So we’ll just enjoy it while we have it. :]

Wanna win some treats?