Summer fun

A collection of pictures from a trip to the dog park.

Crazy Petal sitting in a baby car seat.


Lassie running!

Petal with a circle rope toy stuck around her head and in her mouth. The things she gets herself into. *shakes head*

Lassie trying to catch a tennis ball.


“Play with me, brother! Play!”

Pretty girl.

Handsome boy.



Lassie is a true gentleman.

He really is. I have many examples of his chivalry but I’ll just share the most recent one so this post won’t end up being novel worthy.
After we got home from our usual evening walk Wednesday night, my brother and dad got out of the car and went straight into the house. I let Lassie out of the car too, fully expecting him to follow the boys in while I gathered up my things and got Petal out of the back of the car. As I went around to the back of the car I saw Lassie waiting so patiently for me and Petal by the porch steps.
 Love it. <3
But this may be why I’m single. I expect nothing less from a boyfriend.
I mean, come on, if he doesn’t treat me as well as my dog does, what’s the point?

New Collars

Recently Lassie and Petal acquired new collars. Ella didn’t need a new one, which is shocking because she’s usually the one who needs the new collars. Ella has had her collar for nearly a year and a half now. Her collars usually only last a month or so. But last year I bought her a Dublin Dog All Style, No Stink collar and she’s had it ever since!

Snoozing in her stylin’ collar.

I fell in love with Dublin Dog’s Daisy Daze collars and got a yellow one for Petal.


Then I decided that Lassie really should match his sisters, so he got one, too.

Yes, that is my hand & yes, I took pictures of their collars during nap time. ;]

Come July, Dublin Dog is suppose to have new colors/patterns and with Ella’s birthday being July 26th, I have a feeling she’ll be getting another collar next month.

Petal’s first trip to the dog park

My family and I took Lassie and Petal to the dog park Monday evening. The closest dog park is about 55 miles away and this was Petal’s first time ever at a dog park. She did very well!
Jetta (dog running), Petal and Zoe (black dane pup).
My favorite thing about the dog park is watching the dogs interact, of course, and watching the owners, too. I find it completely hilarious how everyone’s dogs went so well with their personalities/appearance. For example, there was this older guy there who was all proper and polite with his very proper Poodle. Then there was this tall, very beautiful girl with her lean, tall and gorgeous Weimaraner, both of which seemed to have a love for life. There was a German Shepherd with her athletic and outdoorsy owner. There was a couple with two dogs, one of them was some sort of Setter/hunting dog (I forget the exact breed) and she went perfectly with the man, while the laid back Great Dane puppy went very well with his wife.
Lassie & Zoe.
While watching everyone, I noticed that my poor Petal seems to be socially awkward, like I am (though I feel that I have gotten better). Rather than playing with the dogs, she spent half of her time running along beside them, watching them play together. Sometimes she would start to chase them, but as soon as they turned around to chase her, her tail went between her legs and she would look at them like “I SURRENDER! I SURRENDER!”
She spent the other half of her time trying to get the little dogs in the small dog area of the park to come over to the fence and play with her. Apparently they’re more fun or maybe they’re just less intimidating (though I hardly think so).
Petal: “I was meant to be a little dog.”
Despite her socially awkwardness, she still seemed to have a great time and she was definitely a very happy girl (and very exhausted once we got back in the car to go home).
With time I think Petal will get use to the dog park and pretty soon she’ll be everyone’s best friend. Or a pest to everyone, depends on how you look at it. ;]
Petal & Zoe.
The poodle owner described Petal as “exuberant” I think it’s the perfect word for her.
I just don’t understand why he seemed so surprised. Does his dog not jump and bounce around for joy at being leash-free and in a completely new environment?

Photo Shoot.

Today was such a gorgeous day, so this evening I had a little photo shoot with Lassie. It may have actually been a bad idea as I’m allergic to practically every plant/weed in our area, but I got some good shots so the itchy wrists was worth it to me. Haha.
Anyway, enjoy the pics!

Sleepy Dogs.

The end of this week has been pretty low-key so far with the cold weather we’ve been having (come on, where’s Spring?!).  So I’ve been able to capture some sleepy dog moments. And what’s cuter than a picture of a sleeping dog?
How about a sleeping dog and cat?

Or maybe…
A sleepy dog wrapped in a blanket and using a pillow.

Or maybe even…
Cuddling Collies.
(I snapped so many pictures of this particular moment because it happens so rarely, haha)




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The Dog Park.

Can you believe that I’ve been a dog owner for six years and have never visited a dog park? Crazy! We changed that on Wednesday when we took Lassie to the nearest dog park, which was 50 miles away. It was well worth the drive though. The park was very clean and the regular visitors, both human and dog, were very friendly. Lassie had a blast meeting new dogs and running around in the sun.
More sniffing.

And more sniffing. ;]

Meeting a Boxer friend.

Going to mark the tree. ;P

Lassie got to meet a total of five dogs at the park. He met a Labradoodle, a Basset Hound/Poodle mix (what a cool looking dog! I wish I had a picture of him other than the one of Lassie sniffing his butt, lol), a Terrier of some sort, a Boxer and a four month old yellow Lab.
We had so much fun and next time we’re taking Petal too. :]

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