Talking with a dog

Friday morning, during our (mine, Lassie and Petal’s) walk, I was talking with Petal. Which some might think is crazy, but talking with Petal in a squeaky voice is something she loves so it makes for a great reward when she’s walking politely.
So I was talking to her, about anything. Like the school bus that drove by on the street ahead. “Oh look! It’s a school bus! It’s taking the kids to school! Oh, it’s turning. It’s turning left! Maybe one day you’ll get to ride on a school bus, Petal, that would be funny. Maybe you can ride on a doggie school bus and it’ll take you to boarding school! Do you wanna go to boarding school, Petal?”
Petal looked at me and barked once. 
“No? You don’t want to go to boarding school? Why not? Oh, because you don’t want to be a Border Collie? You want to stay a regular Collie? Okay.”
Get it?
Boarding school, Border Collie.

Ha ha ha.
It’s probably a good thing that I live in the middle of no where and no one heard that conversation with my dog. ;]

Petal looks a bit like a gangling, gawky teenager next to Lassie, doesn’t she?
*squishes her*

Petal loves…

 1: Petal loves to RUN! 
2: Petal loves to eat. 
3: Petal loves to snuggle. 
4: Petal loves Harriet the cat. 
5: Petal loves to sleep on her back.
6: Petal loves to talk talk talk talk. 
7: Petal loves to play tug! 
8: Petal loves
and Ella.
9: Petal loves treat dispensing toys.
10: Petal loves to be covered with a blanket.


But most of all, Petal loves…

to be the center of attention. ;]
Oh, and a sweet little charmer, too.

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Camera Ham

Collies are such camera hams…

But with those beautiful looks, who could blame them?


Or maybe it’s just my Collies?
My Collies have been known to come right on over whenever the camera is out. Ella usually just ignores it (sometimes, if you’re lucky, she’ll be all cute and cross her paws or something) or she’ll move right before you snap the picture so it’ll turn out all blurry (thanks Ella). The Collies, however, need little to no encouragement or guidance when it comes to posing.

They’re never too shy for a close-up!

But no, no. It can’t be just my Collies. It’s gotta be all Collies.



Hey guys, Petal here! Mommy said I could write a blog post because I have some super exciting news to share!
Remember my super cute and super cool giraffe George?
I got him for my very first birthday and he’s one of the best toys ever! He’s so fun to chew on, shake, tug, toss and snuggle with. George and I had a wonderful four or five months together before my sister Ella and I accidentally tore his leg off. Then we nearly tore his head off too. That’s when Mom took him away and said she would fix him “soon”.
MONTHS later she finally did fix him and guess what that means?!
I can finally play with him again!

He looks like Frankenstein now, but at least his head and leg are reattached!


Thanks Mommy!

Petal Paints

Today I mixed together some flour, salt, water and food coloring and Petal learned to paint!
The recipe was a bit of a pain to make (for me, anyway, because I’m gifted). It’s very very simple, but loooots of arm-cramping stirring is involved and it doesn’t smell very pleasant if you burn it like I did. Oops.
Next time we’re going to use plain yogurt and food coloring instead. It’s even simpler and no stoves are needed. ;]
But all in all Petal and I had fun!



Maybe one day her artwork will be featured in museums and go for a couple thousand dollars just like Tillamook Cheddar
Or maybe I’ll just end up with lots of Petal’s paintings on my fridge.

Lots of Pictures

Today we went out and played in the mud and dirt and got nice and dirty!
Well except for Lassie, of course, ’cause that would’ve messed up his nicely brushed hair. ;]
But the girls had no problem with getting muddy and dirty.
Lassie says that’ll all change for Petal once her coat is long like his.
We’ll see. ;]










The girls had a blast while Lassie and I kicked back and took photos.

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Lassie Photos
Ella Photos
Petal Photos

Little Stinker

What’s the first thing Petal does when you leave the book you were reading?
Pulls the bookmark out and throws it on the floor.
“Hah! You’ve lost your place!”

What’s the first thing Petal does when you leave your spot on the couch or get start to sit down?
She snatches your spot with lightning speed.
“Haha, it’s my spot now!”

What’s the first thing Petal goes for when she’s in the kitchen?
The trash.

*shakes head*