And she’s already forgotten how to use this thing!
I guess that’s what I get for abandoning this blog for four months.
But let’s get down to business and stare at some pictures of my cute dog! ;]

This entry will be all about Petal, because she has grown so much! She’s ten months old now. :[

I swear she was a supermodel in another life. She made these poses all on her own.

Looking pretty in the back of my 1950’s red Chevy pickup truck! ;]
This little Collie girl has way too much personality (as most Collies do!), it oozes out of her ears. She’s a nut and makes the weirdest sounds, like she’s moaning or mumbling to herself. She’ll also stare at you from out of the corner of her eye. It looks hilarious. She often reminds me of a cartoon character come to life.She thinks my sister’s 20 lb. cat is her best friend, but the cat thinks otherwise. ;]
Petal is growing up to be a very patient dog. We’ve been babysitting a family friend’s three little girls once a week and Petal happily puts up with hair pulling, ear pulling, tail pulling, and many other things. It’s all worth it to her when she gets those girls giggling. There’s something about those giggles; Petal just loves that sound.
so basically, I love Petal and your blog
it looks SO good and eee, I’m excited to read more!
Aw, thank you Carly! <3 Your blogs are so fun to read and had me missing mine, so I came back to my poor abandoned blog, hahah.