For Sale (not)

“Today all your dreams come true.”
“Because I am for sale.”
“For 50 cents.”
“That price is a little low, if you ask me.”
We had fun with stickers and Petal’s head this morning. 😛
Disclaimer: Petal is not really for sale. Sorry for the tease. 😉

I distinctly remember a time in my childhood when me and my siblings put barcode stickers on our heads and scanned ourselves under those price check things in Target.
Good times.

14 thoughts on “For Sale (not)

  1. LOL! I couldn’t get my dogs to stay still long enough to take a photo of them with anything on them, much less a sticker! :)-

    • Haha, yeah, Petal is pretty use to being messed with. ;] She knows now that her being messed with = laughter and treats; two of her favorite things.

  2. Oh darn, here I was thinking I could get a good deal on a pretty Collie. 😉

    My husband constantly harasses the animals by putting stickers on them. Beau never even noticed but it drives Bella crazy. If she can’t manage to get them off herself (she usually can), she’ll come over to me looking so forlorn. I always help her out. :)

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