On Instagram there is this hashtag series called #catchseries = pictures of dogs preparing to catch a tasty treat. There are some seriously hilarious and incredible pictures that have come out of this hashtag. I highly recommend checking it out if you’re an Instagram user! While you’re at it check out the user @bordernerd, the clever mind behind #catchseries.
Now this series had me wanting to try this with Petal. But, well, I kept forgetting to.
Until last month when we were outside playing in the snow. Normally a treat is tossed for your dog to catch, but some fresh powdery snow would work just as well, right?
I gave it a try, but didn’t expect to succeed on our first try. I was thrilled when I found that we had! I looked like a lunatic sitting outside in the snow laughing hysterically at my camera.
The cause of my manic laughter:
Part of what made it so funny is that she didn’t even catch it! Her mouth is so wide, so I got this! Yet it was a complete and total miss.
We tried again and Petal had her fight face on:
Okay, so it was more like an incredibly sweet little smile. But whatever.
She gave it her all,
Looks like it’s going straight for her mouth, right? No WAY she could miss that one!
She did.
My dog can’t catch, guys.
We’ll blame her overbite.
In other news, we’re expecting to get some rain and snow today. We’re hoping for more snow than rain! We think snow is more fun than mud. 😉
Also, I’m (hopefully, if I can give at least half-decent answers to the questions, lol) participating in the Pet Blogger Challenge tomorrow! It’ll be my first time participating in it. Is it silly that I almost feel a little nervous about it?
Are you participating? Are you new to it or have you done it before?
I think that’s all I wanted to say for This ‘N That Thursday.
Thank you to the hosts, 2 Brown Dawgs and Ruckus the Eskie!
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Most of my collies miss more than they catch, so must be a collie thing!
It must be then, because even though I like to blame Petal’s overbite, Lassie couldn’t catch either and he had a normal collie jaw. I always told Lassie it was because his nose was so long, hahaha!
I love these shots! For some reason that photo from underneath reminds me of a sea creature. I can’t quite put my finger on which one …
Flea recently posted…Brain Dump – Who Has a Spare Couch? And a Review
LOL! Now that you mention it, it does! I’m not sure which creature either though. Maybe a shark with an overbite? Haha.
Thanks for stopping by!
Like All Things Collie said … it must be a collie thing. I have a picture I want to add to that Instagram hashtag … total miss! Teach misses more than he catches. Unless I throw it “just right”. Love the series of pictures. I’m thinking about joining the Challenge tomorrow (kinda nervous as well … so many awesome bloggers out there!), I’m very new to blogging (only a year).
Rebecca recently posted…Wordless Wednesday: Frozen Whiskers
I think you both must be right because Lassie couldn’t catch either! He would try, but rarely succeeded, eventually he just gave up and would just watch the treat fly through the air and then eat it off the floor. Or he’d squeeze his eyes shut as the treat simply bounced off his nose, too funny!
Glad to hear my collies weren’t the only ones! 😉 Also glad that you like the pictures. Thank you!
P.S. I still think you should join the challenge. 😉
Fun! I am going to have to check out that hashtag, and make an attempt of my own. Love your shots!
Rebekah recently posted…Fromm Chicken with Carrots and Peas Recipe Treats for Dogs Review
Thank you! Definitely check it out, you’ll get a good laugh from it! 😉 I hope to see some of your shots!
Haha! Great treat catching….or non catching…photos! Love it!!
((Husky hugz))
Happy TNT!
“Love is being owned by a husky”
Jenna,Mark “HuskyCrazed” Drady recently posted…A little of this….
Hehe, thank you! 😉
Thanks for stopping by!
Great action shots…. just pretend she caught them in the hashtag posts on Instagram! lol There is no way I can throw and photo Cooper, so I’ll have to have my hubby do it… Cooper is a shark!
Two Cats and a Cattledog recently posted…Buffy’s Haiku Thursday: Autumn Leaves
Haha! 😉
Definitely get him to help you out! It was tricky, but the fact that Petal seems to think all she needs to do is hold her mouth open wide in order to catch whatever is being thrown, made it easier to photograph. I tried to get pictures of my sister’s dog, Penny, catching snow (because she can actually catch and is really good at it) but she’s so crazy fast about it it made it really difficult, lol.
Those are great!
Dachshund Nola recently posted…52 Weeks of Nola Photo Challenge
Thank you Nola!
Thanks so much for participating in TNT. For some reason it is hard for dogs to catch snowballs.. Except for Thunder. He is good at it, but the other two usually get hit in the face.
Yes I am doing the challenge tomorrow. 

2 brown dawgs recently posted…This ‘N That Thursday
Thank you for hosting!
Haha, yeah, snowballs are extra challenging, poor Petal can’t even catch tasty morsels of treats, lol. Thunder is a talented pooch!
What awesome fetching photos. It’s a great capture. Thanks for hopping on to This ‘N That Thursday! Can’t wait to read your post tomorrow. Nothing to be nervous about!
Ruckus the Eskie recently posted…Bugsy’s Box Review and Giveaway! (ends 1/28) @BugsysBox
Thank you!
And thank you for hosting the TNT hop! We enjoy it.
LOL. So funny. Petal is such a cutie..
Eric David Lough recently posted…eplayr.com