Oh no. Oh no, oh no, oh no no no.
She’s got that look again. That look that scares me.
THAT look! The look that says she’s clearly thinking of something. Something extremely mischievous.
This is not good.
I don’t want to know what it is.
I don’t. I just don’t.
Keep it to yourself Petal.
Be good. Have a biscuit, just please don’t do whatever it is you’re thinking of doing!
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m not plotting anything… honest.”
O.O (<– my horrified, bugging-out eyes)
That’s it, I’m out of here.
Anyone willing to take me in for a few days?
Today we’re joining the Monday Mischief blog hop hosted by Alfie’s Blog, My Brown Newfies and Snoopy’s Dog Blog.
Oh I love it!!! Dakota gives that “side look” too!!! It always makes me laugh!
Caren Gittleman recently posted…Dog Treats & Jingle Toys Encourages Pet Adoption-A Guest Blog By Aubree Sweeney
Collies cannot pull off the poker face, you always know when something’s up with them! Lol
All Things Collie recently posted…Monday mischief – Kori takes a selfie…
But mom! She’s a good girl! She wouldn’t do anything mischievous! Like cross her paws when she says that …
Flea recently posted…Funny Dogs Exercising, FBM 58
You’re welcome here in England but I doubt you’ll get rest from mischief.
Dina recently posted…Colour Splash
Whatever it is, we’d sure like to know. It might be worthwhile to learn that look.

jansfunnyfarm recently posted…Like Me With Short Legs
Haha! Definitely looks like some serious scheming is happening in that second shot!
Jen K recently posted…Monday Mischief 20: Up – and Down – One Canine
Your beautiful when your plotting.
Sand Spring Chesapeakes recently posted…Monday Mischief ~Weatherbeeta Vs Gman
LOL her and Nola would be lethal together!
Dachshund Nola recently posted…Behind the Scenes of My 2014 Valentine’s Day Header Shoot
She definitely has something diabolical planned!
That look is hilarious and troubling! I wonder what she’s thinking!
OH Petal, I too can see that mischievous glint in your eyes…what are you up to?
slimdoggy recently posted…SlimDoggy Mischief
Terrierz has dat look all da time… it’s just our thing…heh heh…
Finley Harris recently posted…Black and White Sunday
Yeah, I always has dat look!
Whitley recently posted…Black and White Sunday
Where’s the fun if you can’t have a little mischief, right Petal 😉
Lexie and Mica
tylersat99 recently posted…Newfy Saturday
Mom says I get “the look” when others are petting me and she can tell that in about two seconds I will jump in the person’s face and kiss them. I say it isn’t so

emma recently posted…Trouble in Sisterly Paradise | GBGV | Monday Mischief
Oh I know that look all too well! One of the reasons it’s good that dogs don’t have thumbs. Because then we’d really be in trouble. BOL!
–Woofs (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats.
Life with Dogs and Cats recently posted…Haiku by Cat: Choices
Huahaha you can’t hide it Petal!! your eyes give it away 😉
Kroten recently posted…Sunlight in My Room (Enjoying The Sun Part 4)
Petal, I get that same look. I love scaring my person because she knows I’m up to something.
Bongo recently posted…No Snow
Roooooo that’s not agreat poker face – I’d say there’s definitely some mischief planning going on! *Waggy tail*
i know that look all too well!

Jane Y. recently posted…a day with piri.
We may be cats, but you cannot fool us. You are definitely plotting something. Thanks for dropping by and meeting us at The Cat on My Head today. We love making new friends. Purrs and paw-pats, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo.
Oh, Petal. You naughty little… So adorable!
Christopher James recently posted…discover special tricks