At first the shadow made me do a double take but it’s the perspective that is so odd here- collies already have an often comical small head big body thing going but Petal on this bench is like shrunken head Petal on a bench for giants! Bethany recently posted…Black & White Sunday Time To Shine
I just love your photos, they always make me smile. So beautiful!
Caren Gittleman recently posted…“Time Is Of The Essence!!”
I love it!
Marie recently posted…Black and White Sunday Blog Hop
It really does have an eerie feel to it! Love it.
Rebecca recently posted…Black & White Sunday: Fun on the Wall
Its a beautiful picture, and dog! Love Dolly
Dolly the Doxie recently posted…B&W Sunday: Recuperating
Eerie, yes (is it the bare trees?), but beautiful. And I’m in love with your dog.
Guilie @ Life In Dogs
Guilie Castillo recently posted…Black & White Sunday — Right- or Left-Pawed?
At first the shadow made me do a double take but it’s the perspective that is so odd here- collies already have an often comical small head big body thing going but Petal on this bench is like shrunken head Petal on a bench for giants!

Bethany recently posted…Black & White Sunday Time To Shine
Nice stay!
Dachshund Nola and DM recently posted…Black and White Sunday
Love the photo!
Whitley recently posted…Black and White Sunday
Looks like you own that bench!
emma recently posted…Comment on Crazy Times | GBGV | Monday Mischief by FleaByte
Look at Petal. Sitting on that bench like she owns it.