We went exploring this morning. It was awesome until Petal dragged her leash (handle included) through her own poop.
We live such glamorous lives us dog owners. 😉
Today we’re participating in the Black & White Sunday blog hop hosted by Dachshund Nola and Sugar the Golden Retriever.
Ha!! And to think that I thought that Dakota was the ONLY dog who does that 😉
Caren Gittleman recently posted…Winner! âJJ the American Street Dog And How He Came To Live In Our Houseâ By Diane Rose-Solomon
Time to throw the leash into the washing machine. Or at least a good hosing and scrubbing.
Still, it looked like a wonderful walk.
–Woofs (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats
Life with Dogs and Cats recently posted…Photos: Dogs in the wind
That looks like a gorgeous place to explore! The only times our boys drag their leashes in (their own or mystery) poop are days when I am wearing something nice or we are off on a very long day adventure. You know, perfect timing!
Bethany recently posted…Black & White Sunday Neither Here Nor There
We’ve been having a very “glamorous” week here as well. I feel your pain.
There’s always a drawback to dropping the leash and leaving it on! Love Dolly
Dolly the Doxie recently posted…Black & White Sunday: Wet Nose
What a great place to go exploring!
Too bad about the poopy leash. Niles has on occasion stepped in her own droppings (though usually other dogs) and it’s never any fun. 

Nailah Bone recently posted…Black & White Sunday – Time for some Spring Training!
Bailie stepped in her own poop several times when she was a bit younger, that was bad enough. Now she seems to be more mindful. Hope you could wash the leash. That is one advantage of winter, gloves!
Emma recently posted…World Traveling GBGV | Black and White Sunday
Beautiful place to explore! Yuck about the poopy leash. Like other people said I hope it can be washed.
Rebecca recently posted…Black & White Sunday: Mountain Lake, Virginia
Looks like a great place to walk! I really like the bare trees against the sky. Great photo.
Mark S recently posted…7 Questions for Erin: A dog trainer, blogger, foster home, and volunteer
Hello – we thought we would call on by and say hello to some fellow furries
What a gorgeous place to walk! And LOL on the poop leash!
Dachshund Nola and DM recently posted…Black and White Sunday
BOL – poop are not too glamourous!
Whitley recently posted…Black and White Sunday
Gotta love being a dog mom!!

Dory and her Mama recently posted…Almost Black and White Sunday
Lovely set of photos. My favourite is #2. It looks so moody and so perfect! 😉
weliveinaflat recently posted…You’ve not seen a bug before, human?
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such lovely scenery.
Rebekah recently posted…Black & White Sunday