It’s a good thing Petal is so cute,
because she stole my spot when I went to the bathroom.
And on my birthday too.

“Um… Happy Birthday, Momma… I’m just resting up for the huge surprise party I planned for you. Yeah, that’s it. That’s why I took your spot.”
Happy Memorial Day everyone! Thank you to all the men and women and canines who serve or have served this country. What you guys do is nothing short of incredible, amazing and brave. Thank you.
Today we are participating in the Monday Mischief blog hop hosted by My Brown Newfies, Snoopy’s Dog Blog and Alfie’s Blog.
I find myself saying “good thing you’re cute” a lot as well. Happy Memorial Day and have a fantastic birthday

Kelsie recently posted…Mauja’s First PetBox!
She’s just saving your place for you 😉
Sue recently posted…For Love of a Dog Jewelry May Giveaway | Monday Mischief
Our pets get away with so much just by looking adorable, don’t they?
–Wags (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats
Keeping the spot warm. They are cute and they aren’t afraid to use it.
Bailey recently posted…Happy Memorial Day!!
That gets said alot in my house too lol
Misaki recently posted…Failed selfie
Happy birthday!
Whitley recently posted…Happy Memorial Day!
Their cuteness saves mine all the time. I hope you have a wonderful birthday and that Petal allows you to keep your birthday seat. Let Petal know that birthday trumps cute looks once a year but the rest of the year the seats are fair game

Stacey recently posted…The Case of the Chewed Harness
We hope you had a wonderful birthday, even if Petal stole your spot!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo
Dory and her Mama recently posted…Tasty Tuesday Review – Chewy’s and NV-Prairie Treats