“Alright already! Let’s go! Just standing around is boring!”
Today we are participating in the Black and White Sunday blog hop hosted by Dachshund Nola and Sugar the Golden Retriever. Grab you black and whites and visit the hosts to find out how you can join in too! Thanks Nola and Sugar!
Great photos! It looks like it was a beautiful walk! Happy B&W Sunday.
Oz the Terrier recently posted…What’s in the Water?
Petal, your fiancé in Cascadia totally agrees. (But I say if you collies weren’t so lovely we wouldn’t have to keep stopping to take your pictures!)
Misaki recently posted…Down the market
You look so happy and amazing in black and white!
Petal and Jimmy have the same bite when seen in profile

Taryn recently posted…Black and White Sunday: Bermuda Triangle
Beautiful soft shots! Just love the caption on the last shot and think this is exactly what Dory thinks during a photo op on one of our walks!
Dory and her Mama recently posted…Black and White Dog on Black and White Sunday
My what big teeth you have Petal! Love the smile though. I think a Collie looks good whether in B&W or in color. Petal is a beauty.
melf recently posted…Black and White Sunday #86 – The Happiest Smiling Faces
Of course, Gotta take photos first. For sure you guys had lots of fun. Great shots. Happy Black n White Sunday. Golden Woofs
Golden Woofs: Sugar recently posted…B for BullDog
I get a similar version of the last photo all the time. That is too funny.
Mark S at DBDT recently posted…Black and White Sunday: Views from Shepard Farm Lane
Haha wasn’t expecting the yawn! You were having such a good time, I am sorry you got so bored! Love Dolly
Dolly the Doxie recently posted…Black & White Sunday: Shadows
Love the yawn shot!
Rebekah recently posted…Black & White Sunday
What a fun walk!
Dachshund Nola and DM recently posted…Black and White Sunday
Happy face!
Whitley recently posted…Black and White Sunday
Awesome pictures!! They look fantastic Black & White. And it also looks like a really fun adventure.
Rebecca recently posted…Black and White Sunday: Up and Over