Petal is the coolest pup in town.
Thank you for the box of goodies you sent us which included the cool shades and the wristband Petal is wearing. We love you guys!
Today we’re participating in the Black and White Sunday blog hop hosted by Dachshund Nola and Sugar The Golden Retriever. Thank you Nola and Sugar!
She is super cool!! And beautiful, too.
Rebekah recently posted…Black & White Sunday
The coolest for sure! (and a great sport too)
Rebecca recently posted…Black & White Sunday: The Boys
Petal really rocks those shades!
Wags (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats
Life with Dogs and Cats recently posted…Photo: Friendship
Petal, you are way cool.
slimdoggy recently posted…SlimDoggy | Black & White Sunday
Too cool for school Petal! Love Dolly
Dolly the Doxie recently posted…Dolly’s Orange Ball and a Chair
Wow, you look awesome! Who is your stylist!? Happy B&W Sunday!
MyDogLikes recently posted…Black & White Sunday: A Boy and His Bees
Not just cool, super cool
Coolest dog in town for sure.
Jen Jelly recently posted…Winter Is Coming – Black & White Sunday
Petal, you aren’t only the coolest dog in town, but you ROCK!!!
Happy Sunday from the 24 Paws of Love.
24 Paws of Love recently posted…Black/White Sundays-Silver in Camo
FUN! Love the shades. Happy Sunday. Golden Woofs
Golden Woofs: Sugar recently posted…Golden SMILES
You are one super cool Collie!
Emma recently posted…Hot Dogs At Play And At Rest
Very cool!
Whitley recently posted…Most Influenshal Blogger Award
Lookin’ good, Petal!
Dachshund Nola and DM recently posted…Black and White Sunday