P.S. For those who may be wondering, no we don’t have snow yet. 😉 All of these photos were taken a year, or maybe even two, ago with the exception of the last two which were taken about two weeks ago.
Today we are participating in the Wordless Wednesday blog hop hosted by BlogPaws. Thank you BlogPaws!
* blinks * Holy moly that is NO DOG it’s a plane! She is flying * impressed ears * Wow she looks amazing!
Harvey Button recently posted…Savannah’s Paw Tracks Big Day!
Da incredible flyin collie!
Whitley Westie recently posted…Sunday Selfie
I love her! She just needs a cape and she could be Super Dog!
Rebecca recently posted…Wordless Wednesday: What’s over there?
You’re flying!!!! Great action shot! Happy WW!
Miley’s Daily Scoop recently posted…Wordless Wednesday
She has the flight down perfect. I’m not ready for snow, hopefully it won’t be too bad until we leave for Arizona. All the rain is enough. LOL
Mary recently posted…Near the end of my photo project
Look at you fly!
Cool !
Justyn recently posted…Let it glow
LOL! My very first thought was Good Lord! Did they have snow already!!!! Good thing you answered that one

Taryn recently posted…Waving at Wilson on Wordless Wednesday
Flying Collie! Great pictures (except for the snow)! Love Dolly
Dolly the Doxie recently posted…Looking for Fall
Absolutely incredible photography. Loved all the pictures.
BOL look at that height! Love these shots

Chelsea Price recently posted…Why I Love Dogs, Reason 123: (Mostly) Wordless Wednesdays
Awesome shots!
Rama’s Mama recently posted…Wordless Wednesday