Fluffy and focused.
Don’t forget, tomorrow (Monday the 24th) starts the Share Gratitude blog hop hosted by Cascadian Nomads, Oz The Terrier, Kitty Cat Chronicles and yours truly. Check out this post to get more details and the blog hop badge made by the wonderful Bethany of Cascadian Nomads.
Today we’re participating in the Black and White Sunday blog hop hosted by Dachshund Nola and Sugar The Golden Retriever. Thank you Nola and Sugar!
She looks quite pensive.
Mary recently posted…Roxy all snuggled down
What are you so focused on Petal? Being beautiful? Wait. That’s effortless, I know!
She is just so pretty! I love that her coat isn’t hugely profuse.
Dachshund Nola and DM recently posted…Black and White Sunday
Thanks for letting us know about the hop. I didn’t know about it. I will check it out! Lovely photo, btw.

Rama’s Mama recently posted…Black & White Sunday–Happy 4th Birthday Rama!
I now believe that Petal looks beautiful no matter what she is doing or what she is wearing. She looks like a model for a fashion ad today.

melf recently posted…Black and White Sunday # – Stalking Nadya
Petal, you look like you are thinking very hard about something!
from MatildasJourney.com
Terry Cramer recently posted…Black and White Sunday: More Bridges
Beautiful photo!
I didn’t know about that hop! I just added it to the Dog Blog hop/social calendar (it’s here – dogthusiast.com/about/dog-blogger-calendar let me know if you need any edits or have any additions you’d like to make! )
Jen | DOGthusiast recently posted…Black and White Black Friday Sale at Stylish Canine