Like seriously could anything be cuter?
Hint: the answer is big and fat and rhymes with “po”.
That’s right, no.
I would kiss on her nose all day long if she would let me.
Today we are participating in the black and white Sunday blog hop hosted by Dachshund Nola and Sugar the Golden Retriever.
Caren Gittleman recently posted…Saturday Cinema:Dogs and Cats star in “First Lick:A Film by Jimmy Fallon”
She sure is a pretty girl. I’d be tempted to kiss that spot right between her eyes were it me.

Leslie recently posted…Black & White Sunday: The Skeptic
She is a cutie for sure!!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo
Dory and her Mama recently posted…Black and White Smiley Sunday
She’s freaking adorable!
Dachshund Nola and DM recently posted…Black and White Sunday
What an adorable face!
Whitley recently posted…Black and White Sunday
I can see why you’d want to kiss that nose all day long! Just lovely! Bark More, Growl Less Barking from the Bayou!
M. K. Clinton recently posted…Bentley in B & W
Such a sweet, beautiful face.
Rebekah recently posted…Black & White Sunday
Totally understand. Happy Black n White Sunday. Golden Woofs
Lovely girl!
The camera does love that face so!
Sarah Was Here recently posted…Macro Monday Challenge Linky – Green