This is how we spent last Sunday, snuggling lots and lots. It was lovely. Hopefully we’ll spend today the same way.
Hope you all are enjoying a relaxing Sunday today!
Today we are joining the Black and White Sunday blog hop hosted by Dachshund Nola and Sugar the Golden Retriever.
that is just beyond sweet! Great way to spend a Sunday!
Caren Gittleman recently posted…Book Review: “JJ the American Street Dog And How He Came To Live In Our House” By Diane Rose-Solomon a Mom’s Choice Award Winner! Enter to win a copy!
Sundays are good for snuggling!! So precious.
Rebecca recently posted…Black & White Sunday: All Dressed Up
It is cold and rainy here. I perfect day to curl up with your favorite dog.
Mark S recently posted…Black and White Sunday: Noah and the dogs
Why am I suddenly sleepy? BOL! Enjoy your day. : )
M. K. Clinton recently posted…Handsome in B & W
So cozy!
Dachshund Nola and DM recently posted…Black and White Sunday
Oh that looks so cozy you lucky guys! Love Dolly
Dolly the Doxie recently posted…Black & White Sunday: Profile
Such sweet pictures. Happy Sunday.
Rebekah recently posted…Black & White Sunday
That’s the best way to spend a Sunday! Hope you got to snuggle today!
Dogs N Pawz recently posted…Black and White Sunday: Are We There Yet!
Great photos!
Whitley recently posted…Black and White Sunday
Sunday is a good day to snuggle. Hope you guys had a PAWsome time. Golden Woofs
Golden Woofs: Sugar recently posted…7 Reasons Why Create A PrideBites Custom Dog Toy
So peaceful and restful

weliveinaflat recently posted…You’ve not seen a bug before, human?