First of all, Petal has a bad habit of jumping up onto the kitchen table. Rotten, I know. She mostly does it for attention and just stands there waiting for me to come and tell her to get down. If I ignore her, she’ll eventually get down on her own and leave the kitchen, looking all dejected and unloved as she flops down on the floor. That’s what she does… unless there is half a watermelon on the table.
Which brings me to my second point: I did not leave the watermelon out.
But I did hear someone happily munching on it and then realized that Petal wasn’t in sight because she was busy doing this…
“Mmmm, I love when the humans leave tasty snacks out!”
“It’s so sweet of them.”
And yes, yes I did go and get my camera before I told her to get down.“Look, they even left a spoon in here for me. How thoughtful! Wish they would’ve remembered I don’t have opposable thumbs though… “
Little stinker!
I don’t know what it was about April 30th, but that was the day of great mischief!
Now let’s hope that my family doesn’t see this blog post. Because questions like, “Isn’t that the watermelon I ate later that evening, Marquie?” might arise.
oh oh! who can resist a yummy watermelon?!
Apparently not Petal! Hahaha. Thanks for stopping by. ;]
Wow, really getting into that watermelon:))) Love the shots!
Oh yeah, she loved it! Little stinker. lol
What a little stinker that Petal is! I sure hope your family doesn’t read this! LOL! Great pictures!
She definitely is! So far, I know my Mom read it and she cracked up laughing, so that’s good. ;]
Thanks! 😀
Just quote Nietzche – “That which does not kill us makes us stronger.” BOL
LOL! Exactly! That quote is used very often around here. ;]
BOL! What a great mischief post! What a little rascal! 😛 But Tanya is right, who can resist a yummy watermelon! By the way, i love your captions, they are hilarious 😀
ooo ya, i’m new to your blog! =) Nice to meet you!
♥ Popcorn!
Hahaha, thanks! 😀 I will admit that resisting watermelon is very hard, especially with summer approaching, so I can’t say I blame Petal for jumping up there and helping herself. ;]
Nice to meet you, too! Thanks for stopping by and commenting! :]
HAHA!!! Nola gets on my table too, little pain!
Dachshund Nola
ROFL, such troublemakers!
That looks like the best kind of trouble!
Petal thought so too! ;]
Wow! That’s quite a treat you got there. That’s definitely some great mischief. Just getting on the kitchen table would be major mischief in our household!
Happy Monday,
Oh yes, it was. lol! We’re working on Petal’s table problem, thankfully our only casualty so far has been the watermelon. ;]
Hey Petal,
You sure are a Master of Mischief – that was very impressive!! I’ve never been on the table, let alone tasted any Watermelon – it looks yummy though, maybe I need to investigate further? Tee Hee
Have fun,
Your pal Snoopy
Hi Snoopy! You definitely need to try some watermelon sometime! Just make sure the humans aren’t looking, of course!
Sincerely, Petal