Today we are participating in the Wordless Wednesday blog hop hosted by BlogPaws. Thank you BlogPaws!
It’s the last day of the Share Gratitude blog hop and I want to share my gratitude for a certain little fox collie.
Where do I begin?
Petal, you make me smile every single day. You motivate me and you inspire me. You’ve helped me during my times of grief. I don’t think I could ask for a better therapist. I remember around this time last year, when the pain of losing Lassie was still very fresh, I looked down at you, sleeping by my side and was overwhelmed with gratitude that you were there. I really feel that no other dog could’ve helped me during that time. You’re the only dog up for such a task.
I’m grateful for our strong bond and that, while I feel it’s about as strong as the bond I had with Lassie, it’s so completely different from the bond I had with Lassie.
I’m grateful you’re such a goofy and happy girl. I’m grateful for your loyalty and love and your patience.
Thank you for being your sweet and sassy self.
– Photo credit to Carly.
Today ends Share Gratitude week. Thank you all so much for joining me, Cascadian Nomads, Oz The Terrier and Kitty Cat Chronicles and sharing with us what you’re grateful for.
Today we’re participating in the Black and White Sunday blog hop hosted by Dachshund Nola and Sugar The Golden Retriever. Thank you Nola and Sugar!
Life can be such a mess sometimes, but it’s made easier with my beautiful sidekick. Lovely photos by my equally lovely friend Carly. To see more of her beautiful photos click here. To see more of the photos she took … Continue reading
Back in July Petal and I took a trip to Washington. While we were there we spent a weekend with my best friend, Carly. We hadn’t seen her in four years (Petal was just a baby) so it was so … Continue reading
The secret to keeping warm on a really cold and wet camping trip is simple. Step one: Move chair closer to fire. Step two: Sit in chair. Step three: Pick up furry Collie and place in lap. Simple. 😉 Today … Continue reading