Petal helping me open my present.
Taking shelter from the blazing sun.
Which reminds me, we ate at this really great mexican restaurant in Zion called Amigos. Their food was great and they even allowed the dogs to sit on the patio with us!
Petal enjoyed sitting in the camp chairs. Crazy little dog.
The car ride to Zion and home was absolutely crazy. We had to cram seven people, three dogs, and enough camping gear for seven people and three dogs in an eight passenger van. Lassie and Petal were squished in the backseat with me and Miranda and for a little while on the way home, Lassie was laying on Petal!
As is to be expected, we came across a few challenges while camping (like trying to keep Petal quiet and assure her that she didn’t need to bark at every moving thing and trying not to melt in the sun), but all in all, it was a pretty good trip.