A Petal for Christmas

It’s nearly Christmas, just a few more days to go, and let me guess, you still have last minute presents to buy, don’t you? You’re strapped for time and strapped for cash. What are you going to do?

Why not get your loved one (*you know, the one you love so much that you forgot to get them a present until just now, when I reminded you) a Petal for Christmas?
Every home should have one!


All together now, “Awwww!”


You can’t go wrong with a Petal.
What child wouldn’t want to find a Petal lying under the tree on Christmas morning, **snacking on a candy cane she plucked off the tree? You know which one, the one you promised your kid could eat in the morning. On Christmas morning.
But don’t worry, once you get your kid to stop crying, they’ll really enjoy their new Petal!


Just think of all the fun they will have with their very own Petal!
The possibilities are endless!
Think of all the poop they will have to scoop!
This Petal could provide 15+ years of poop to scoop!
Think of all the vet bills, dog food, dog toys, collars, leashes, bowls, tags, beds, chews, replacement furniture, replacement shoes, etc etc, you’ll get to buy!


This Petal will provide you and your loved ones with plenty of exercise and training for years to come. There will never be another dull moment with her around!
She’ll bring you unconditional love and loyal commitment, be sure you are ready to provide the same!
Now with free gift wrapping!

All this and more for the low low low price of

+ Shipping & handling
+ A lifetime of commitment
+ All future costs associated with owning a Petal
+ Unconditional love

Let’s be serious now, guys.

A puppy is not just a “puppy for Christmas!”
A puppy will grow into a dog and both require time, work, patience, training, grooming, vet care, food, love, and more for years to come. Do your research and think it through before you commit, because a puppy is a commitment, not just a present.
And consider adopting a shelter pet.

Merry Christmas!
Happy Holidays!

*Don’t feel bad. You know those two Collies that I love and adore? Yeah, they have nothing because I haven’t gone shopping for them yet. Oops.
**Yeah, I may have caught her with a candy cane yesterday morning. Can you say “naughty list”? I’m sure my name is on there and Petal is laughing about it.

8 thoughts on “A Petal for Christmas

  1. Hey! dad says he will give 29.95 for Petal and we will come and get her, who couldn’t love a Petal!!!

    Your Pals
    Susie & Bites

    Pees; We are a lot of trouble but well worth the price!

  2. Excellent post. And a great way to make an important point.

    Thank you for speaking out.

    (But yeah, I’ll take a Petal for Christmas or any other day as well. 😉

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