Petal met a horse yesterday. A horse who really, really wanted some of the treats Petal was getting. A horse who was very upset when I wouldn’t share them with him.
Sorry sweet horse, but I can’t feed you without asking your owners.
Check out this post to see some other fun friends Petal got to meet this week!
Today we are joining the Black and White Sunday blog hop hosted by Dachshund Nola and Sugar the Golden Retriever. Thanks hosts!
My sister Katie used to love horses in Germany. Sometimes she chased them which was a problem. She never intended harm, just wanted to play. I have never met a horse.
Emma recently posted…Cheese | GBGV | Black and White Sunday
Petal wanted to play too! She kept play bowing at the horse, it was so cute. Maybe you’ll get to meet a horse one day Emma!
Too cute!
Whitley recently posted…Black and White Sunday
Thanks Whitley!
Love these photos! Petal has such a sweet smile and looks SO happy to have a new horse friend 😀
SheSpeaksBark recently posted…Comment on {Black & White Sunday} Taking in the Sights by marquielynn
Petal’s smile always makes me want to smile back. Love that the horse was jealous of Petal and her treats. Love the play of shadow and light between the two.
melf recently posted…Black and White Sunday #81 – A Private Chewing Spot
So cute that Petal and the horse were interested in each other! Even if it was just because the horse wanted Petal’s treats
Petal looks very happy about having a new friend!
Greyhounds CAN Sit recently posted…Black & White Sunday – Happy!
Those are adorable photos!
–Wags (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats