Jack Jump Over The Candlestick

And by Jack I mean Petal and by candlestick I mean bench.

Image of Petal airborne over a bench seat.

Every morning Petal and I go for a long morning walk, as many of you know, and I often enjoy stopping by one of the small parks/visitor’s center in our area and having Petal jump over the benches. The benches at this park don’t have backs so they make for pretty good jumps.

Image of Petal's upper half in the air, ready to fly over the bench.
Image of Petal flying over the bench and preparing for landing.
Image of Petal's front paws on the ground and her butt still in the air.
Yesterday morning I took these pictures. We had fun and Petal got to release a lot of energy.

Image of Petal soaring over the bench.
Image of Petal's upper half ready to soar, the bottom half will soon follow suit.

Image of Petal jumping high over the bench.


Image of Petal jumping over the bench, one hind leg hits the side of the bench.
Yes, she did hit her paw on the bench with this jump, but she was fine and recovered quickly. I encouraged her to do just one final jump and made sure she was lined up just right so it wouldn’t happen again. I wanted to end our little jumping session on a successful note and I didn’t want to make a huge deal about her hitting her paw, then she’d be afraid. So we did one last, successful, jump and then called it a day. Petal came home a happy and well exercised girl!

FitDog Friday badgeToday we are participating in the FitDog Friday blog hop hosted by SlimDoggy, Peggy’s Pet Place and To Dog With Love. Have fun hopping around!

14 thoughts on “Jack Jump Over The Candlestick

  1. Our shelties are stubborn about jumping. They will zoom over obstacles as they are running, but not a fan of being encouraged to hurdle obstacles of our choice.
    Bailey recently posted…Friday FlowersMy Profile

    • Ah yes, Lassie was occasionally like that as well, but he learned to love it. Petal… Has always been a fan, I think. Once she learned. Or maybe it’s just that she’s a huge fan of treats and will do anything for them, lol!

  2. Hi There!
    So have you and Petal moved? I noticed the scenery has changed a lot, and you no longer post pictures of Petal and her “cousin” playing. Who is your photographer? These pictures came out pretty clear, even though Petal is in motion! She looks like a flying collie! :)
    All Things Collie recently posted…Rounding up the usual suspects…My Profile

    • We have! I didn’t make a big deal of it on the blog because it started out that we were just staying with friends for a week or two, but now it’s been 3 months and we’re still living with my friends. So you could say we moved, haha.

      Thank you! :) My photographer was the self timer on my camera, actually. I’m pretty impressed with how they came out.

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