These photos were taken last week, but our yard still looks the same, meaning Petal’s snow dance yesterday has yet to take effect, but she’s remains hopeful. 😉
Today we’re joining the Black & White Sunday blog hop hosted by Dachshund Nola and Sugar the Golden Retriever. Thanks you two for hosting!
You got an intense look on the 2nd photo. Do you see a squirrel? Happy Black n White Sunday. Golden Woofs
Golden Woofs: Sugar recently posted…Golden Scratch on Black n White Sunday
Love your black and whites! We are going to see a litter of 4 1/2 week old Sable/White Collie puppies in an attempt to decide which one will come home with us on February 20 when they will be 8 weeks. I’m choosing from 3 males. There are also 6 females in the litter.
Love the angle, it makes a great shot!
emma recently posted…Snowy Faces | GBGV | Black and White Sunday
I hope Petal’s snow dance works soon!
If you want snow I have plenty to share! Love Dolly
Dolly the Doxie recently posted…B&W Sunday: A Stick, Sun, & Snow
As always, gorgeous photos.
Rebekah recently posted…I Have Flaws, as do My Dogs
So cute, and really love the nose shot! Nose, knows!
Johann recently posted…Black and White Sunday: Ears!
Thank you so much for visiting my blog!! My Mom LOVES Collies! Her first love was Lassie when she was a little girl BOL!
Mom and I just signed up to follow your blog and hope you will sign up for mine too!
Barks and licks and love,
Caren Gittleman recently posted…Black and White Sunday: “Friends”
I love the first one!
Dachshund Nola recently posted…Black and White Sunday
We luvs a good nose foto! Happy Sunday!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae and Max
Maggie Mae and Max recently posted…Black and White Sunday
You are a very pretty girl Petal – love that first shot.
slimdoggy recently posted…SlimDoggy Mischief
Beautiful photos I love nose shots. Your collie is gorgeous
Sand Spring Chesapeakes recently posted…Black And White Sunday
We want snow too! Love the pictures. Beautiful!
Thanks for stopping by our blog!
We got another inch of snow today in NY. Maybe the snowclouds will head your way! Or perhaps that isn’t how weather works. I wouldn’t know.
Chewy recently posted…Black and White Sunday: I smell something yummy!
We do snow dances too but they are only misinterpreted as a bad rain dance! Good luck with some white stuff!
M. K. Clinton recently posted…The Wild, Wild Westie Show
CUTE photos!! I love close ups of dog noses! Have a great week
happy to meet new furiends.
Sarah & Lola recently posted…Black & White Sunday – End BSL
Very cool photos!
Whitley recently posted…Black and White Sunday
I am in love with these photos! They are just beautiful! I hope you had a great B & W Sunday!
Jessica @ The Georgia Horse recently posted…How to Make a Jump Pole