Category Archives: ella
Chasing you
I love watching these guys run and play together.
I especially love to see them run. I don’t know what it is about running dogs, but I think it’s beautiful.
And yes, most of our snow has melted away. Darn. :[
P.S. Thank you to all the brave men and women who have and are serving this country.
And happy 11/11/11. Did anyone else make a really big wish at 11:11 o’clock? I definitely did. ;]
Before the snow came, Ella had taken up two new hobbies: digging and rolling in the dirt.
Crazy, crazy dog.
Winter Wonderland!
This morning we woke up to a lovely winter wonderland!
My dogs LOVE the snow and so do I, so we went outside to play.
Well, okay, so the girls played while I took pictures and Lassie explored.
I’ll get you, Ella!
Snow bunny.
Hey Mom, wanna hear a great story?!
Covered in snooow!
I WILL get you, Ella!
You should know that he ran right smack! into the camera after this picture.
Really, Mom, it’s a great story. It doesn’t matter if you’ve heard it before! Let me tell it again!
WhatEVER, Mom! I’ll just tell someone else my story then!
Now I wish I had some hot chocolate.
Is anyone else enjoying some snow? 😀
Or do you and your dogs hide inside?
Ella digs…
First snow of the year.
This morning we woke up to the power being out (it’s back on now) and snow on the ground! Our first snow of the year, that stuck anyway. A few weeks ago it snowed a bit, but didn’t actually stick to the ground.