Category Archives: snow
Wordless Wednesday: Me and Petal
Fresh Snow!
Which has been absolutely wonderful because the rain we had over the weekend washed all our snow away and made everything dreadfully muddy. Not fun.
But now we have a fresh blanket of beautiful, clean snow!
We had lots of fun in it, too.
I got a video of these two romping in the snow yesterday, making the first tracks in the fresh snow.
I will warn you that the video is all over the place. It was snowing (you probably won’t be able to tell from the video, but it was lightly snowing the whole time we were out there) and even though there was this cloudy haze, it was bright and I couldn’t really tell what I was recording, haha.
Thank goodness YouTube can stabilize shaky videos, or else you’d probably feel like you’re spinning in circles on a boat in a storm.
Anyway. YouTube greatly improved it, but it’s still all over the place, I’m sorry about that.
But you do get to see how crazy Petal is in the snow!
That barking that sounds like it’s coming from a distance is from our neighbor’s Border Collie cross from across the street.
And, of course, just minutes after I turned off the camera and stuck it back in my pocket, Lassie goes sniffing around under a tall bush and Petal whips by and knocks a ton of snow all over him. By the time I got the camera back out and ready to go, Lassie had shaken it all off.
It was so funny though. Lassie looked like he was made out of snow.
How has your weather been? Have you been enjoying snow? Rain? Sunshine?Â
Black and White Sunday: Squinty

I was very amused to find these two making the exact same face. Goobers.
As you may have noticed, I gave the blog another make over.
Simply because I love giving the blog make overs.
Today we are participating in the Black and White Sunday blog hop hosted by You Did What With Your Weiner, Dachshund Nola and My Life In Blog Years.
Chasin’ Critters
She went at it for another minute or two (I think he, whatever he was, was having a good time teasing the obnoxious dog that didn’t stand a chance catching him) before we went back inside and she still looks for him when we go outside, but she hasn’t seen him since.
As for what Lassie was doing as Petal stomped through leaves, snow, and twigs, thinking she was oh so sneaky— he was watching Petal with a look that said, “This is why Collies don’t hunt.”
Unless you count hunting down an abandoned cheeseburger. My Collies can do that no problem. 😉
Wordless Wednesday: Snow King
Snow makes an excellent snack
I think Lassie was snacking on something more than just snow. Just look at the way he closed his eyes all dreamily. Plus he worked rather hard to get to whatever it was he was eating. I’m pretty sure it was a dog biscuit that I had dropped in the snow a few days before. Nothing like a frozen cookie!
These two love everything about snow, including the taste. Lassie and Petal run around, having fun, being crazy, then they’ll stop for a lovely snow snack.
In our previous neighborhood we had a neighbor with a Collie (funny story actually, that poor lady was told that what she had was a Shetland Sheepdog puppy (I have no idea where she got her puppy or who told her this), I tried to tell her that I was pretty sure he was a Collie, but I was only 11 or 12, so she just smiled and said, “No, he’s a Shetland Sheepdog. They look like mini Collies.” Well guess what? Cole The Shetland Sheepdog grew to be Cole The Collie, lucky for him his owners loved and adored him all the same) who loved snow so much that his owner would open the back door and scoop some snow up in a stainless steel bowl so he could eat it while lying on the kitchen floor.
For those of you who get snow, do your dogs enjoy eating it?
For those of you who don’t get snow, what’s the strangest thing your dog enjoys eating?