Bringing it back like a good little Collie.
Throw it again! Throw it again!
I know, I know. There are hardly any action shots.
Turns out holding a clicker, treats, camera and throwing a frisbee all at the same time is rather difficult!
So I got distracted with having her pose with it instead and by the time I decided to try and get a few more action shots in, the camera battery died, haha. Oh well. Next time. ;]
Also, just thought I would share this because I find it pretty funny: I fell down the stairs today.
Well, okay, that’s a little dramatic. I slipped off the last step and landed on my butt in the snow and hit my back against the steps. Yeah, it hurt, but mostly it was just really funny because Petal turned around and looked at me like “Why are you on the ground?” Then she play bowed and started hopping around in the snow. “Is this a game?! It’s a game, isn’t it?! I wanna play! Let’s play!” Silly dog. And while she was doing this Lassie was sniffing me and making sure I was okay, then he stood nice and still so I could use him to pick myself back up.
And now my back is sore.
But Petal’s reaction still makes me laugh.