Ella loves…


 1: Ella loves to give kisses until the recipient can no longer breathe.

2: Ella loves to wag, wag, wag her tail and do a little dance whenever she’s excited. Not even whipping herself in the eye with her own tail will keep her from happy dancing.
3: Ella loves to ‘roo, roo, roooo!’ Especially after I’ve finally gotten the collies to quiet down (anyone who owns collies will likely know how difficult this can be at times).
4: Ella loves to ride in the car.
5: Ella loves to get all wet and then roll in the dirt.
6: Ella loves neck scratches.
7: Ella loves breaking the rules and then giving you that wide-eyed innocent look so she can get away with it.
8: Ella loves to carry things, whether it be a sock, a shoe, a toy, or a piece of paper.
9: Ella secretly loves to snuggle with Petal.
10: Ella loves silencing those squeaky toys forever and hiding/keeping the toys away from the collies.
11: Ella loves her collies.

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