Hi all, Petal here. I’m here to tell you all about my poor snowless life.
I have no snow. Unless you count this patch right here.
There are a few other patches here and there, but they’re mostly muddy and ice-like now. Definitely not the kind that’s fun to play in or eat.
It’s not fair! It’s January! It should not be 55 degrees outside.
So today I decided to do a snow dance. Like a rain dance, but for snow.
I know nothing about snow dances, or rain dances, but I’m sure it’ll work anyway.
Here’s what I did: first I spun around in a circle three times…
Then I prepared to jump…
Up to the sky I jumped!
You must jump several times.
Throw in some Jazz Hands; Mother Nature will appreciate your style and pizzazz.
Then, just in case the dance wasn’t enough, I looked up to the sky and begged a little.
Thinking about snow made me wish I could taste some! I continued to look up at the sky as I licked my lips so she would know how badly I want some snow.
May I have some snow? Pleaaaase, Miss Sky?
Oh I hope it works!
Cross your paws, friends!
XOXO Petal
Mother Nature can be cruel sometimes. Like when she makes it rain when we are in the middle of a hike!
Dina recently posted…Hike to Hydon’s Ball
Definitely. Rain in the middle of a hike, no thanks! (says Petal, admittedly, I have a huge thing for rain and probably wouldn’t mind it, so long as there was no thunder or lightning, yikes!)
Thanks for stopping by Dina!
I will send you our snow!!! 55 degrees? It’s 13 degrees with a foot of snow here, I will trade you!
:O You’re on! We’ll totally trade!
“It should not be 55 in January” My thoughts exactly! Except it’s 45 right now, frigid as heck, and we’re Florida girls. :p
Nola and DM
Dachshund Nola recently posted…Charlotte Saturday
LOL! That’s pretty darn cold for Florida! Hope you two snuggled and kept warm!
Hope you get some snow!
Whitley recently posted…Twitter is A’Breakin’ My Heart
Not yet, but hopefully very soon! Paws crossed!
Thanks for stopping by.
You think you’ve got it bad…we live in California, so we never get snow.
slimdoggy recently posted…Black & White Sunday 1-26-14
Oh no, that would be awful. No thanks.
Hope you guys are enjoying your sun! 😉
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Great snow dance.
Thank you! Petal was bummed it didn’t work… yet. 😉
Awww, Petal. You are one adorable dog!
Brian Naennals recently posted…This is the review