Petal’s Halloween skirt

Remember the Halloween photo shoot I did with the Collies?
I have a few extra pictures of Petal to share, this time wearing her orange and leopard print skirt.
She likes this costume much better. 😉

“I’m beautiful, I know.”

Working the runway.


I can’t even begin to tell you how many times this girl has knocked me on my butt after running to me and the camera a little too enthusiastically.

For anyone who might be wondering, I got her skirt at Walmart two years ago for a few dollars, I don’t remember exactly how much it was, but I do remember that I paid no more than $5 for it. It’s actually a child’s skirt, but the waist is elastic and it fits her well. 😉 It also didn’t cost me as much as skirt made for a dog her size might have.
Have you noticed that? That something made for a large dog sometimes costs more than that same thing made for a child?
For example, if I go to the pet section at Walmart the dog bandanas are anywhere from $5-$15.
If I go to the kids section at Walmart I can find bandanas for 50 cents or a $1. Fold them right and they fit my Collies just as well (actually, better) than the pet bandanas do.
I was a very happy girl the day I discovered that. 😉

Quick edit: We joined Twitter yesterday! You can follow us @twocolliesmutt

Halloween Fun

One morning I got this crazy— or adorable, whichever— idea.
I thought to myself, “I should take the dogs and some Halloween costumes outside and do a little photo shoot.”
The dogs did not think this was such a great idea, until I whipped out the chicken, then they saw the true brilliance of it.
Will wear crazy costumes for chicken!

Petal is a lady bug princess or something.
Lassie is a pirate.
And they both love chicken.
A lot. 😉

He’s cooler than Captain Jack Sparrow.

She’s a bigger nuisance than your average housefly.

Together they are… um… the C.C.C!
Collies wearing Costumes for Chicken.

Have a lovely weekend!


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