It should come as no shock to anyone that Petal is a sass pot. Queen of Sass. She may be sassy, but she may also have a point… 😉 Today we are participating in the Sepia Saturday blog hop hosted … Continue reading
It should come as no shock to anyone that Petal is a sass pot. Queen of Sass. She may be sassy, but she may also have a point… 😉 Today we are participating in the Sepia Saturday blog hop hosted … Continue reading
Petal is the coolest pup in town. Thank you Chewy.com for the box of goodies you sent us which included the cool shades and the wristband Petal is wearing. We love you guys! Today we’re participating in the Black and … Continue reading
On Instagram there is this hashtag series called #catchseries = pictures of dogs preparing to catch a tasty treat. There are some seriously hilarious and incredible pictures that have come out of this hashtag. I highly recommend checking it out if you’re an Instagram user! While you’re at it check out the user @bordernerd, the clever mind behind #catchseries.
Now this series had me wanting to try this with Petal. But, well, I kept forgetting to.
Until last month when we were outside playing in the snow. Normally a treat is tossed for your dog to catch, but some fresh powdery snow would work just as well, right?
I gave it a try, but didn’t expect to succeed on our first try. I was thrilled when I found that we had! I looked like a lunatic sitting outside in the snow laughing hysterically at my camera.
The cause of my manic laughter:
Part of what made it so funny is that she didn’t even catch it! Her mouth is so wide, so I got this! Yet it was a complete and total miss.
We tried again and Petal had her fight face on:
Okay, so it was more like an incredibly sweet little smile. But whatever.
She gave it her all,
Looks like it’s going straight for her mouth, right? No WAY she could miss that one!
She did.
My dog can’t catch, guys.
We’ll blame her overbite.
In other news, we’re expecting to get some rain and snow today. We’re hoping for more snow than rain! We think snow is more fun than mud. 😉
Also, I’m (hopefully, if I can give at least half-decent answers to the questions, lol) participating in the Pet Blogger Challenge tomorrow! It’ll be my first time participating in it. Is it silly that I almost feel a little nervous about it?
Are you participating? Are you new to it or have you done it before?
I think that’s all I wanted to say for This ‘N That Thursday.
Thank you to the hosts, 2 Brown Dawgs and Ruckus the Eskie!
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My brother makes a great foot rest.
So fluffy and warm.
Today we are participating in the Black and White Sunday blog hop hosted by You Did What With Your Weiner, Dachshund Nola and My Life In Blog Years.
but good luck convincing a certain puppy of that.
Penny is convinced it’s not just “Collie fluff”, she’s convinced it’s a delicious and wonderful toy/treat!
“It’s filled with happiness and joy.
Don’t take it from me.”
I’m always fishing Collie hair out of her mouth.
She stalks me while I brush Lassie and Petal.
Her eyes and head follow the brush’s every move and the second I turn it around to pull out the fluff, she bounces, grabs a mouthful straight from the prickly pin brush, and runs off with it.
She pulls it apart, chews on it, pulls it apart again, and chews some more until it’s a big, slobbery, knot of nastiness hanging out of the side of her mouth, which I have to pick off.
It’s funny, annoying and gross all at once.
I went for a walk with Lassie on Tuesday afternoon.
We explored a neighborhood we don’t live in.
We saw nice houses and pretty fences.
A cute little gazebo.
And many pink flamingos.
That yard made my day.
I want a flock of pink flamingos.