A few words on wordless wednesday: sorry for the short disappearance. We’re staying with some friends and we’ve been busy having fun with them.
Happy Valentine’s Day
Baby Boy
I know last week I said I was going to blog about the first dogs my family owned, but I haven’t written that post yet (oops) and I don’t have time to write it right now (double oops). Sorry! I won’t be able to write it next week either, but one of these days I will.
Hopefully… 😉
I’ll make it up to you all by sharing two three puppy pictures of Lassie.
Lassie, December 8 2004, his first day with me. We’re on our way home after picking him up from the airport. To Lassie’s left (your right) sits my younger brother and to his right is where I sat. My Mom, in the passenger’s seat, took this picture. It’ll always be a favorite of mine.
Lassie’s first bed! Brand new, still has the tag on it and everything, and he was already trying to destroy it.
Yes, he did eventually succeed and I came home to find the bed very much destroyed one day.
But did you see those pink toes of his?! To die for. So. Dang. Cute.
February 2005, mouthing off to the camera. He was a talkative one (I have yet to meet a quiet Collie, lol).
I miss him.
That’s the best way to describe how I’m feeling, yet it doesn’t sound strong enough.
WW – Lovely sniffer
Tasty Tuesday – Fruity KONG Stuffing
All of Petal’s hard work modeling for Valentine’s makes her deserving of a great treat, don’t you think? Petal certainly thinks so and I do too. One of her favorite treats is a KONG stuffed with yummy stuff. She loves to have a banana frozen in her KONG with a little bit of peanut butter. She loves to have yogurt, veggies, fruits, her regular meals and anything else I can think of in her KONG.
Last week I made her a KONG with the following:
- buckwheat
- bananas
- strawberries (sliced into small pieces)
- raspberries
I threw 4 ounces (somewhere around 350 calories worth (I worked it into Petal’s daily meal allowance, you may want to do the same)) of cooked organic white buckwheat into a bowl with 1 banana, about 3 or 4 cut up strawberries and a few raspberries. I mixed and mashed it all up and made a yummy grain-free snack.
Did you know buckwheat isn’t a grain? It’s a plant from the rhubarb family. I learned that from Kol’s Notes (thanks guys ;)). I would’ve assumed buckwheat to be, well, wheat. It is not.
I was able to stuff (completely full) 1 x-large KONG Classic (for Petal, though technically she should eat from a large size, but whatevs) and 1 large KONG Extreme (for Penny) and I still had a large spoonful left over.
Next time I’ll freeze it to make it more challenging. I didn’t this time because Petal hadn’t had breakfast yet (it was cooking in the oven) and I made this to hold her off.
Did it work?
Yes. Yes it did. It kept her happy, busy and her belly fed until her food was done cooking and cooling.
Do your dogs enjoy KONG treats? Do you freeze them or serve them unfrozen? What is your dogs favorite KONG stuffing recipe? We’d love to hear them in the comments!
Today we’re joining the Tasty Tuesday blog hop hosted by Kol’s Notes and Sugar the Golden Retriever. Go check them out for some super tasty recipes and details on the blog hop.
Monday Mischief: Wardrobe Malfunction
Hello everyone, I pushed Mom aside today so I could write about HER mischief today. That’s right, while I have been perfectly well behaved (don’t look at Mom for the answer, she lies, just trust me, I’ve been good) and the perfect little model for my Mom’s Valentine’s Day shoot, she has been seriously slacking on her duties.
For example, she rewarded my lovely modeling with chicken, which was great and I was very thankful, but she could’ve given me a bit more. No need to be stingy, lady.
Worst of all, when my headband slipped did she fix it?
No. Not before taking a picture first.
I thought we were professionals here?
Here’s what happened:
I was posing pretty.
But then I heard something. I turned my head to look but I saw nothing.
Just to be safe though, I decided I should bark at it. It could’ve been danger and it was my job to bark. So I barked and…
 almost barked my headband right off. Whoops.
But did my photographer promptly fix it?
No. She took that picture instead.
Good help can be so hard to find!
Have your humans dressed you up for Valentine’s photos? Did you get a yummy reward?
I sure hope they weren’t stingy about them.
Black & White Love
Lots of love from us to you.
Marquie & Petal
Today we’re joining the Black and White Sunday blog hop hosted by Dachshund Nola and Sugar the Golden Retriever.
Remembering Lassie and his big brother
Or his Uncle, maybe, since Tal was our dog, my family’s dog, and Lassie was my dog. Tal was a Great Dane and Lassie a Collie so clearly they aren’t biologically related, but it doesn’t really matter because they’re bros. These two were total bros and I wish I could’ve seen them being reunited on the other side.
I’m fairly certain I have shared pictures of Talos, Tal for short, our Great Dane before. Tal was my family’s second dog, but I often think of him as our first. I’ll share more about that and Tal next week along with our legitimate first dog, Penelope.
Today I’m just going to share some adorable pictures of Lassie and Tal together.
When I brought Lassie home Tal was around the age of 3 or 4 years old. Tal was the gentle giant Great Danes are known to be, but he still put Lassie in his place and made sure he knew that he was there first and the boss. Lassie respectfully allowed him to believe that. Tal taught Lassie a lot of important lessons.
This photo, as well as the photos to follow, was taken in December 2004.
Tal taught two month old Lassie the simple pleasure of relaxing in the sun. He taught him that it was okay to lay back and relax a little. It wasn’t required that you be on the move constantly.
He taught him when it was acceptable to play dirty and when to play gently. Don’t bite too hard, kid, or the Great Dane will gobble you up. 😉
(It totally looks like Lassie is about to poop on Tal’s face, doesn’t it? In reality he had been trying to hop away but Tal grabbed him by his little chicken leg).
Tal taught Lassie that chewing on ears is fine so long as you don’t chew it off.
Tal also taught Lassie that if you’re a real pain in the butt all day and then decide to play tug with your Mickey Mouse and Pluto leash, your humans will allow this because at least you’re both being quiet.
(As you probably saw in the photo before, they destroyed said leash).
He taught Lassie about the importance of dental hygiene.
January 1 2005
Tal taught Lassie how to party hard on New Years and then sleep all day.
He taught him how to have fun with the Family Christmas pictures.
(Yeah, I cropped the family out, ’cause I’m rude like that. But they basically looked like this: in the first photo we were all smiling and trying to ignore the dogs, in the second photo all of us, with the exception of two of my sisters, were watching the dogs).
March 2005.
Tal also taught Lassie were all the best hiding spots were.
August 2005.
He also taught Lassie how to be his personal pillow when we went camping.
But most of all, Tal taught Lassie about my family and what being a member of our family was all about. He taught him to love us for who we are and to be extremely patient with us because despite our faults we always mean well.
Tal went to the Rainbow Bridge when Lassie was about 2 years old, shortly after Ella joined the family. I can say without a doubt that Lassie mourned over his brother. Ella was a great comfort to him, but no one could ever replace Tal. Now the three of them are all reunited on the other side.
Today we’re linking up with the Throwback Thursday Blog Hop hosted by Dolly the Doxie and DOGthusiast
We’re also joining the Thoughtless Thursday blog hop hosted by Ruckus the Eskie and Love is being owned by a Husky.