In the Mind of a Dog (but not really)
Wordless Wednesday: Petal and mountains
Monday Mischief: Another way the table comes in handy…

Out in the yard, guarding the humans while they water plants, while you’re still stuck in the house!
When simply standing in the window does not attract enough attention to you, that’s when the table comes in…
“Aha! Bet you noticed me now, didn’t ya?!”
Petal wasn’t the only one up to mischief over the weekend, our internet has been too, deciding to work only when it wants to. Which was every couple of hours or so and only for five-ten seconds at a time.
Whatever, internet. It’s not as though we rely on you or anything.
Hope your dogs cause much avoid mischief today! 😉
Instagram + A Wonderland Table

Coming up with a plan.
Glueing down tiles.
Then of course the grouting happened here.
Now for the finished table…
Super cute, right? My Mom and sister are so talented.
I was pretty much no help at all, haha, even though I do enjoy doing these kinds of things! But this time around all I did was help paint the table legs, and I took pictures of it. I also nodded and said, “Yeah Mom, that looks great!” whenever she asked. ;P
Anyway, enough about the table, I have something even cuter to share.
Instagram pics of my crew of completely insane silly dogs!
Who else thinks Intagram is the cutest and best app ever?
Who else steals burrows their little sister’s iPod Touch just so they can use Instagram?
Probably just me, but it’s so fun!
I’m marquielynn if you wanna follow me! :]
Review: Rejuv-A-Wafers
“Rejuv-A-Wafers for Dogs and Cats provide additional nutrition for your cherished pet, by rejuvenating your loving companion with nature’s most nutritious superfood. Rejuv-A-Wafers is a daily supplement packed with beneficial antioxidants, vitamin C and vitamin A, plus minerals, protein, beta-carotene, chlorophyll and fiber that will help your pet thrive.”
All three dogs were on it for 17 days, with Lassie getting two a day (after about a week) and with Petal and Ella each getting one a day (though Petal probably could’ve had two).
The Rejuv-A-Wafers are a small, circular shape and are very easy to crumble if you have a picky pet and want to crumble it over their food.
Petal and Ella both took the little wafer from me and ate it as if it was a treat (I was very surprised by this as they won’t usually eat supplements like they’re treats). Lassie, however, would not be fooled. He knew it was much too healthy to be considered a treat! But he gobbled it up no problem when I placed it in his food. I didn’t even have to break or crumble it.
“Just like Sun Chlorella for humans, REJUV-A-WAFERSâ„¢ will help purify your pet’s body of dangerous toxins and chemicals, enhance your pet’s health with an abundance of beta-carotene, and help improve your pet’s appearance and overall health and well-being.”
My box of 60 wafers came with two resealable bags, each with 30 wafers.
I started the dogs on this supplement the morning after it arrived in the mail. They all did well that day, but that night the girls had a little bit of runny poo (eeewww, I know), so I skipped giving it to them on the second day and wasn’t worried about it; as with most new products, they needed time to adjust. I was surprised, though, that I only needed to skip that second day. After that, they all did very well on it!
Though they weren’t on it for very long, I did notice a few changes that I think came from these supplements. Ella, for example, has her cranky days where she snips and snaps at Lassie and Petal just because they looked at her or walked past her. She’s never harmed them, she just gets snippety sometimes (usually when she’s sore— she has a bad hip). But while she was on the Rejuv-A-Wafers, she didn’t have many (or any, now that I really think about it) of those moments.
Lassie and Petal’s coats look great! There were no negative changes at all, my dogs did wonderfully on it.
If you want to read more about the Rejuv-A-Wafers you can visit their website here.
However, I want to point out that while the website says to give pets up to 25 pounds 1 wafer and pets over 25 pounds 2 wafers, the box actually says to give pets up to 50 pounds 1 wafer and pets over 50 pounds 2 wafers. I would follow the box’s directions over the website’s.
Overall, I think it’s a great supplement!
Disclosure: I was sent a box of Rejuv-A-Wafers, free of charge, for this review. All opinions are my own based on my own personal experience while using this product.
Wordless Wednesday: Light
Monday Mischief: Watermelon is Greatly Enjoyed by All.
First of all, Petal has a bad habit of jumping up onto the kitchen table. Rotten, I know. She mostly does it for attention and just stands there waiting for me to come and tell her to get down. If I ignore her, she’ll eventually get down on her own and leave the kitchen, looking all dejected and unloved as she flops down on the floor. That’s what she does… unless there is half a watermelon on the table.
Which brings me to my second point: I did not leave the watermelon out.
But I did hear someone happily munching on it and then realized that Petal wasn’t in sight because she was busy doing this…
“Mmmm, I love when the humans leave tasty snacks out!”
“It’s so sweet of them.”
And yes, yes I did go and get my camera before I told her to get down.“Look, they even left a spoon in here for me. How thoughtful! Wish they would’ve remembered I don’t have opposable thumbs though… “
Little stinker!
I don’t know what it was about April 30th, but that was the day of great mischief!
Now let’s hope that my family doesn’t see this blog post. Because questions like, “Isn’t that the watermelon I ate later that evening, Marquie?” might arise.