Black and White Sunday: The Mister

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Happy Mother’s Day to all you Moms! You’re all amazing.
A special thank you to my Mom who has been not only my Mom, but also my best friend. She has done so much for me and continues to do so much for me. She’s always there for me and I really appreciate her and all she has done.
Love you Mom!

Today we are participating in the Black and White Sunday blog hop hosted by You Did What With Your Weiner, Dachshund Nola and My Life In Blog Years.


brace yourselves.

Are you ready?

Are you sure?

Get ready to…

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And yes, he’s single.

He enjoys long walks around the neighborhood, chasing his tail, and hunkering down with a nice bully stick or a cold KONG at the end of a long day of marking his territory.
He also likes to snuggle.

Post-bath: Lassie

Yesterday you saw this:

Which after hours and hours of brushing, bathing, drying and brushing again resulted in this:


Look at that, he’s literally sparkly clean.
It’s just too bad you guys can’t pet his silky fur or smell how wonderful he smells.
And no, petting his picture on your computer screen won’t work, unless your screen is made of Collie fur.
Smelling his pictures won’t work either, unless you have a scratch and sniff computer screen.
So you’ll just have to take my word for it. He is soft and he smells wonderful.


By the way, I wasn’t exaggerating when I said he took hours to bathe. It takes me around 2-3 and a half hours to bathe him. Depending on when he was last brushed and bathed and depending on whether or not I bathe him at home or at the self grooming station at our local pet store, Urban Dawgz. It’s much faster at Urban Dawgz with all their great grooming equipment, but I didn’t have $10 to spend on his bath this time (and I couldn’t remember which days were self-grooming days and which days their groomer was in, hah), so we did it at home, which takes longer.


I spent days brushing him before the actual bathing took place.
I had fallen a little behind on the brushing.
Okay, maybe a lot.
But he looks great now! Haha.
Anyway, enough of my commentary, just enjoy the rest of his pictures. :]

I just love smooching that nose!

All groomed and handsome

Wednesday I spent hours and hours brushing, bathing, drying and then brushing again.
It took me allll day (thanks to the few occasional breaks), but it was worth it.
Because now I have a super soft and super handsome Collie.
He was really patient through some of it and reallyyy whiny at other times. Like I was killing him or something. But then when we were all done, he was so proud and pranced around the house showing off his lovely coat.
We used a large slicker brush, a pin brush, a undercoat rake, a scrub brush, two towels, a bathtub, a blow dryer, a grooming table (thank goodness for that back-saver) and shampoo and conditioner from Happytails.

And simply because I’m in love with their products, I’m going to ramble about them for a moment.

Here, have a picture, because pictures are great.

Sparkle and Shine shampoo (I always dilute it in water for Lassie) and their deep conditioning Fur Butter.
I love Fur Butter.
It smells so amazing that sometimes I open it up just to smell it.
It makes Lassie’s fur so soft and it helps a great deal with tangles.
And it smells amazing
And a little goes a very long way which is always nice, especially with a big and super furry dog like Lassie. 
One of the best things I’ve ever bought for Lassie. I bought it months ago and still have more than half of the container left. I bought the shampoo at the same time and have about half of it left. They last much longer then they look like they would, gotta love that.
And it smells amazing.
Did I mention that?

P.S. The very next day, after I spent all those hours grooming him, Lassie stuck his head in the trash and came out with chili around his eyes. Lovely.
