Doggy mud mask

When my Mom said, “Looks like Petal found the mud.” this morning during our walk, I looked down and saw this:

And thought, “Ah. Not nearly as bad as yesterday.”


Then I looked up and saw this,


Suddenly I couldn’t breathe.
I was laughing that hard.
Words escaped me.
Oxygen escaped me.
What happened?!

I have no idea what happened.
I was busy with Lassie. There was a little bit of thunder going on (thankfully we were on our way back to the car before that started) and I was feeding him plenty of treats to distract him from the scary sound.
Thunder has very little to no effect on Petal, so she was playing.
Apparently in the mud.
And I can only guess what happened to her. I can only guess how she ended up with a face full of mud.

This is my best guess.
Seems like the most liable reason for a face full of mud.
Unless, of course, she was eating it.
But even then, Petal is a little more tidy than this when she eats.

Now I’m wondering…
How many of you would be willing to smooch this face?


My life would be so dull without you, Petal.

P.S. Those adorable arrow brushes (for Photoshop) came from this great site here.

Monday Mischief: Chewy flip-flop

Look at what I pulled away from a very happy pup this morning.

A flip-flop, they’re those irresistibly chewy things that the humans wear on their feet in the summer time.
They’re the shoes that we buy cheap because we know they won’t last for long around here.
They’re the shoes that many dogs have a hard time resisting.
Can’t say I blame them, they are very squishy and they probably feel great to chew on.


I came out of the bathroom, dressed and ready for our early morning walk, and found Petal with dad’s flip-flop in her mouth.
Uh oh.
We went straight to the dollar store to pick up another pair after our walk.
So dad will never know.
Until he reads this blog post.
Then we’ll have to change our names and leave the country.
Just kidding, Dad. ;P

P.S. No pieces were swallowed. 😉

Snoopy's Dog Blog

Snuggle time


I love snuggling Collies.

These pictures were taken with Photo Booth, hence the quality. 😉

My dogs can be such snuggle bugs. I love it.
Unless they decide they’re small enough to fit in my lap. Which my dogs definitely are not and bones are crushed.
(Okay, fine, I secretly love that too— sometimes— because it’s funny)
The only problem is if you have to get up.
You don’t want to disturb them or give up your snuggle time.
I usually wait until they move first.
Sometimes I have to wait a very long time, haha.
Do your dogs like to snuggle?

What’s the opposite of Monday Mischief?

This is the dogs’ toy box,

And this is Petal with one of their many toys,

“My FAVORITE toy, to be precise.”

Today, instead of getting into mischief, Petal did something that was the very opposite of mischief.
She put the toy she is holding in the picture above in her toy box.
She put it away!

“I did NOT put it away! As I’ve told you a million times, I accidentally DROPPED it in there! It’s not the same as putting it away!”

Could it be true?
Could Petal be turning into a good dog?
A neat freak even?

*sigh* “It—was—an—ACCIDENT! Don’t listen to her, dogs! I still create plenty of mischief, believe me!”

You’re a good dog, Petal.
Those words may make you cringe, but they are nevertheless true.

P.S. Petal would like all you canines to know that she barked in the cat’s ear this morning. She barked and barked until he got annoyed and left the couch, then she took his spot; which means she’s still a mischief maker.
(With a good dog streak.)
(Don’t tell her I said that.)

Snoopy's Dog Blog

Fake Kisses

Petal gives the best doggy kisses (but don’t tell Lassie or Ella that I said that).
She’ll lick your cheek so lightly and sweetly.
That is, when she is actually kissing you.
Sometimes she fakes it.
Really, she does. 
She’ll lick the air right in front of your face, so lightly and sweetly, close enough to look as though she is kissing you, but really she is not.
What is up with that, Petal?
“Sometimes you don’t taste good, so I pretend to lick you.”
Do your dog(s) give kisses? Or do they fake it like Petal?
Ella will give kisses until you’re blue in the face, unable to breathe. Lassie gives sweet kisses, when he’s not busy licking the couch or floor or his paws, hah.

Happy Saturday!
Have a lovely weekend!


Peanuts & Petal

One night Petal wandered into the Occasionally Forbidden Room (one of the bedrooms) and wandered back out with some treasure.


I told her if she could get the container open herself, then she could have what remained of the peanuts.

It took some thought,

and some destruction,

but she eventually achieved her goal.

Mmmm, peanut sawdust.

She’s such a nut.

Snoopy's Dog Blog