Post-bath: Lassie

Yesterday you saw this:

Which after hours and hours of brushing, bathing, drying and brushing again resulted in this:


Look at that, he’s literally sparkly clean.
It’s just too bad you guys can’t pet his silky fur or smell how wonderful he smells.
And no, petting his picture on your computer screen won’t work, unless your screen is made of Collie fur.
Smelling his pictures won’t work either, unless you have a scratch and sniff computer screen.
So you’ll just have to take my word for it. He is soft and he smells wonderful.


By the way, I wasn’t exaggerating when I said he took hours to bathe. It takes me around 2-3 and a half hours to bathe him. Depending on when he was last brushed and bathed and depending on whether or not I bathe him at home or at the self grooming station at our local pet store, Urban Dawgz. It’s much faster at Urban Dawgz with all their great grooming equipment, but I didn’t have $10 to spend on his bath this time (and I couldn’t remember which days were self-grooming days and which days their groomer was in, hah), so we did it at home, which takes longer.


I spent days brushing him before the actual bathing took place.
I had fallen a little behind on the brushing.
Okay, maybe a lot.
But he looks great now! Haha.
Anyway, enough of my commentary, just enjoy the rest of his pictures. :]

I just love smooching that nose!

Two sparkly clean dogs.

Friday afternoon Smelly Ella got a bath and now she’s shiny clean and silky soft.
She saw the shampoo and conditioner and my other grooming supplies and knew just what I was up to.


“Oh no, that bath is for me, isn’t it?”

“Maybe if I sit and look really cute you’ll change your mind!”

Then Saturday afternoon Dirty Petal got a bath. Her coat is so fluffy, soft and vibrant now.

“Why am I in this tub? I thought you LIKED the smell of dirty dog!”

“Yeah, like getting me wet is going to help the smell.”

Ella is by far the easiest dog to bathe (though I’m sure you could’ve guessed that), so she usually gets her bath first. Then Petal’s bath is followed a day or two later and then Lassie’s bath takes place a few days after that. I like to save him for last, because he takes the longest (so so long, haha) and once I’m done with him, I’m done giving dog baths for a few months. So if the girls don’t get their baths first, they won’t get them for a long time.

As far as behavior goes, they’re all extremely easy to bathe.
Especially when I’m armed with treats. ;]
But even without treats they’re all really good and they stand nice and still. Though that fourth Kong did come in handy when it came time to blow dry Petal! My dogs love to play with the blow dryer— which is cute, but not helpful— and a Kong kept her busy and distracted.

And now I’ve got two silky soft and shiny dogs!

“I suppose that bath was worth it. Just look at me!”

“No, look at me! I’m prettier than a super model!”


I just love freshly bathed dogs.
Lassie’s next. ;]

Easter 2012

How the dogs spent Easter:
Enjoying frozen Kongs.

How I spent Easter:

Pigging out on some of the best candies from See’s Candies. Mmm.

Hope everyone had a lovely Easter spent with loved ones!
I know I did. :]

Suspicious package…

Yesterday we got a few things from the UPS man. The dogs’ favorite person to… ‘talk’ to. 😉
Petal loves it when we get packages and she loves to open them.

But this package smelled rather suspicious to her…
What’s this bottle for?

“It’s shampoo, Petal! Not food!”

The dogs got some new shampoo.
What could this mean?!

P.S. Can’t say I blame Petal for trying to taste it. It smells amazing.

P.P.S. I added the Chipin widget for Daffy’s Fundraiser to the right side of my blog (no, you’re not crazy, I did move that sidebar over to the right) for those of you who are willing and able to help but don’t want to/can’t make a purchase from The Barkers Dozen.
Thanks to anyone who can help! :]