For those of you who may be new here, Ella is my lab mix, my second dog of my very own, who passed away far too young in August of 2012. Just as I am grateful for having known Lassie … Continue reading
For those of you who may be new here, Ella is my lab mix, my second dog of my very own, who passed away far too young in August of 2012. Just as I am grateful for having known Lassie … Continue reading
Petal helping me open my present.
Taking shelter from the blazing sun.
Which reminds me, we ate at this really great mexican restaurant in Zion called Amigos. Their food was great and they even allowed the dogs to sit on the patio with us!
Petal enjoyed sitting in the camp chairs. Crazy little dog.
The car ride to Zion and home was absolutely crazy. We had to cram seven people, three dogs, and enough camping gear for seven people and three dogs in an eight passenger van. Lassie and Petal were squished in the backseat with me and Miranda and for a little while on the way home, Lassie was laying on Petal!
As is to be expected, we came across a few challenges while camping (like trying to keep Petal quiet and assure her that she didn’t need to bark at every moving thing and trying not to melt in the sun), but all in all, it was a pretty good trip.
She takes care of, and entertains, our friend’s new puppy Pepper.
She’s also a fantastic babysitter. These girls were in her face giggling and squealing. They were squeezing her toes and her tail. They were looking down her ears. They were hugging on her and balancing things on her head. She did not care nor complain. In fact, I think she really enjoyed it.
Though she’s pretty wiped out now.
I think one day soon Petal will make one amazing therapy dog.
So excited to be free!
Short walks was really all it took though as it really doesn’t take much to exhaust her right now.
I kept her in her safety pen until Wednesday when I decided she could come out and play for a little bit. She was more than happy with this and her and Ella immediately began playing with each other.
And while she’s in her pen Harriet sometimes comes to keep her company, just as a good friend would.
Petal is recovering quickly and wonderfully. It’ll be two weeks before we know it and then we’ll be out having adventures again! And maybe a bath too. ;]
It’s day two and Petal is still being pampered tortured. She woke up looking much more like her usual, sober self. She was alert and looked a lot less miserable. But, to my great relief, she’s been very tired and very calm. I was so afraid she’d wake up feeling sober and think that that meant she was all better and she could go right back to her crazy self. She definitely did not do this though. Instead she’s been really careful and gentle with herself and she’s been sleeping a lot, which is also good, she needs her rest.
Snuggling with George the Giraffe who has been loyally by her side since the car ride to the Vet.
Her appetite has been great, I’ve been slowly feeding her her Sojos in small amounts at a time. I even stuffed her Kong with her food to give her a little something to do. She has only taken one tiny little sip of water though, but thankfully Sojos is made with water so I’m not too concerned about that just yet. Other than Sojos she has also enjoyed one of her tasty treats, Twistix SensiBelly, from Bone Appetit this morning.
I have to hide Petal’s hyperhyperhyper sister Ella in the bedroom when I let Petal out to go outside to relieve herself. Ella gets way too excited and tries to initiate a wrestling match. Lassie has always been much more understanding in situations like these and has been very good about letting Petal be.
Petal’s safety area is right by the window, where she can enjoy a bit of sunshine and keep warm.
She also has the best view of the front yard. ;]
Day two is quickly coming to an end and I think it has been very successful. Petal’s been resting well, no more (heartbreaking) whimpering like the first night, and she’s been getting plenty of love and attention, of course.
Her bed that was surrounded by a gate!