Not Funny!

“You may think you’re funny, Mom,”
“but you’re NOT!!”
Oh, but I am, Lassie.
I am.
I’m hilarious.
Dearest Readers (yes, you!), we would love to see some pictures of our doggie friends on our Facebook! If you’re interested and willing, please go post a picture of your sweet dog(s) on our Facebook wall! Include their name(s) and, if you wish, their blog and/or Facebook urls! It’ll be fun and nice to see all your gorgeous dogs. 😀
Thank you for reading.
Have a nice day!
My Dog Washes Dishes
“I’m ready to wash some dishes!”
“I’ve got my scrub brush and the sink is filled with soap and water!”
“All finished! May I have a cookie now?”
“Just because you have to do icky chores doesn’t mean you can’t look cute while doing them!”
Disclaimer: Petal is still not available for hire. Sorry folks.
P.S. If you’re thinking “Oh, poor dog!” “What a mean thing to do to the poor little thing!”— think again. Petal didn’t mind one bit and happily posed for each picture in exchange for several tasty dog treats. Petal was born to entertain… and be dressed. ;]
Happy Saturday!

Romping in the snow!
Enjoy! :]
P.S. Our snow is all gone now. :[ But it was fun while it lasted!
Wordless Wednesday: Mid-jump
We have snow, snow, snow!
These pictures were taken Sunday as we romped around in the snow. I have a few videos, too, which I’ll have to post some time.
But for now, enjoy some pictures!