Chasing you

I love watching these guys run and play together.
I especially love to see them run. I don’t know what it is about running dogs, but I think it’s beautiful.
And yes, most of our snow has melted away. Darn. :[

P.S. Thank you to all the brave men and women who have and are serving this country.
And happy 11/11/11. Did anyone else make a really big wish at 11:11 o’clock? I definitely did. ;]

Winter Wonderland!

This morning we woke up to a lovely winter wonderland!
My dogs LOVE the snow and so do I, so we went outside to play.
Well, okay, so the girls played while I took pictures and Lassie explored.
I’ll get you, Ella!

Snow bunny.


Hey Mom, wanna hear a great story?!

Covered in snooow!

I WILL get you, Ella!

You should know that he ran right smack! into the camera after this picture.

Really, Mom, it’s a great story. It doesn’t matter if you’ve heard it before! Let me tell it again!
WhatEVER, Mom! I’ll just tell someone else my story then!

Now I wish I had some hot chocolate.
Is anyone else enjoying some snow? 😀
Or do you and your dogs hide inside?

Lassie loves…


1: Lassie loves to poke people with his nose.

2: Lassie loves to jump!
3: Lassie loves to bark at and “attack” the vacuum cleaner and defend his home and his pack from it’s evil sucking powers.
4: Lassie loves the red and teal Planet Dog ball.
5: Lassie loves foooood and going through drive through windows.
6: Lassie loves trees. Specifically marking them.
7: Lassie loves to talk (what Collie doesn’t?).
8: Lassie loves snow! Eating it, rolling in it, burying his nose in it, laying in it, running through it.
9: Lassie has a new found love for antlers.
10: Lassie loves blonde girls (seriously, he does).
11: Lassie loves his girls, Ella, Petal and me. ♥

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