First snow of the year.

This morning we woke up to the power being out (it’s back on now) and snow on the ground! Our first snow of the year, that stuck anyway. A few weeks ago it snowed a bit, but didn’t actually stick to the ground.
Lassie looking out the window at the snow.

Out the back door.


In the snowy dog run to do their morning business.

Of course this bit of snow is already melting away as I type, but it’s still fun.. and cold!

So I’m keeping warm with my three little furry space heaters.

To my left.

And to my right.

Yay for warm, snuggling dogs!

I have proof!

I have proof. I finally have proof.
Proof that these two CAN get along!
And I caught it all on camera.
So there’s no way to deny it ever happened…
Ella and Pancake were SPOONING.
Now for those of you imagining my lovable lab mix spooning with the tasty breakfast food, you’d be imagining it all wrong. Because Pancake is not a breakfast meal, Pancake is my sister’s cat who pretty much came with the house (and his name, which he knows and comes to, so there was no changing it).


Now normally (just last night, in fact) we have to scold Ella for charging this poor cat.
The weird thing is is she never ever treats Harriet, the other cat, the way she treats Pancake. She barks at Pancake, pretends like she’s going to chase him down, gets right in his face and just pesters him.
She’s treats Harriet more like a delicate little puppy or something.
Maybe it’s because Harriet is only 8 lbs while Pancake is 20 lbs (yes, he’s huge).
Or maybe it’s because we never interfered with that relationship as much, we simply encouraged Ella to be gentle with Harriet, rather than scolding her like we do when she’s not particularly kind to Pancake.

Whatever the cause, clearly they CAN get along.

And clearly Pancake is quite the booty lover.


Ella loves…


 1: Ella loves to give kisses until the recipient can no longer breathe.

2: Ella loves to wag, wag, wag her tail and do a little dance whenever she’s excited. Not even whipping herself in the eye with her own tail will keep her from happy dancing.
3: Ella loves to ‘roo, roo, roooo!’ Especially after I’ve finally gotten the collies to quiet down (anyone who owns collies will likely know how difficult this can be at times).
4: Ella loves to ride in the car.
5: Ella loves to get all wet and then roll in the dirt.
6: Ella loves neck scratches.
7: Ella loves breaking the rules and then giving you that wide-eyed innocent look so she can get away with it.
8: Ella loves to carry things, whether it be a sock, a shoe, a toy, or a piece of paper.
9: Ella secretly loves to snuggle with Petal.
10: Ella loves silencing those squeaky toys forever and hiding/keeping the toys away from the collies.
11: Ella loves her collies.

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It’s Lassie’s Birthday!

Today my best friend turned seven years old.
He’s been my best friend since I was 13 and he is, by far, the best thing I’ve ever worked so hard for.
He knows me so well and is always right there by my side, no matter what.
For his birthday I thought it would be fun to look back on his past seven years.


I couldn’t have asked for a better dog or a better friend.
Thank you, Lassie, for being my loyal friend, for giving me a reason to get up in the morning even when life gets hard, for loving me unconditionally and teaching me so much. Thank you for the laughs, the tears, the snuggles, the kisses, the fun, the joy and the adventures.

I love you, Booger! ♥


Last night, after I pulled the laundry out of the dryer and dumped it on the couch, I went back into the laundry room to start another load and came back to find this…

Petal apparently loves fresh-from-the-dryer laundry.
Who doesn’t?

Rainy Day

Today I woke up early for the Collies’ morning walk, looked out the window and went straight back to bed. It was very windy and large dark clouds were moving in. I had hoped the weather would get better later, but seeing as it’s now 5 PM and it’s even windier than before and has been raining off and on, I’m thinking it’s not going to get better.
So we stayed inside today and enjoyed the sound of the wind and the rain.
And I have to say, thank goodness for Kong! 
A little bit of peanut butter smeared inside a rubber Kong kept the three of them busy when they were bored.
But for  the most part they’ve just been chilling and relaxing.
It’s been a really nice and laid back day.
Tomorrow we’re suppose to get snow.
I hope we really do.