Just remembering that time we briefly had horses as neighbors. They always came up to the fence to say hello.
So, a week ago, the dogs celebrated like this…
The Barkers Dozen (an organic and eco-friendly dog treat company based in Chicopee, Massachusetts) has launched a fundraiser for a beautiful rescue dog in need, Daffy. Daffy is currently suffering from a mysterious, undiagnosed disease and The Barkers Dozen has put together a fundraiser to help Daffy get the care she needs.
Through the month of April, 50% of profits made from treat sales at The Barkers Dozen will go to Daffy and her owner Ingrid.
Plus, if you use the promo code “DAFFY” at checkout, you’ll get a special thank you gift!
You can read more about the fundraiser here: “Dollars for Daffy” Fundraiser Launched
You can read more about Daffy here: Barkers Buddy: Daffy
And you can purchase some treats from The Barkers Dozen here: The Barkers Dozen
Now is a great time to get some goodies for your dogs! ;]
Now back to being wordless.
“What’s this? When did those horses get there?!”
“Time to investigate!”
“Here horsey, horsey, horsey!”
“Let me get a good sniff of your face!”
“Some people think WE’RE big! Look at these guys!”
“How do you suppose we herd them with this fencing in the way?”
“Hello Horsey! Wanna play with me?!”
Now just the horses.
The light brown one (center in the first picture of just the horses) is my favorite. Gorgeous markings and he/she let me pet him/her. :]
Now I just have to find some sheep for my Collies to meet up close like this!