Really missing that soft nose of yours, Ella Smella.

Today we are participating in the Black and White Sunday blog hop hosted by You Did What With Your Weiner, Dachshund Nola and My Life In Blog Years.
Today we are participating in the Black and White Sunday blog hop hosted by You Did What With Your Weiner, Dachshund Nola and My Life In Blog Years.
Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope everyone has a lovely holiday.
And for those of you who don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope you have a lovely Thursday. 😉 And a great weekend!
Today we are participating in the Black and White Sunday blog hop hosted by You Did What With Your Weiner, Dachshund Nola and My Life In Blog Years.
I’ve been dreaming of seeing my goofy Lassie snack on the snow and lounge in it as if he’s on a beach in Hawaii.
I’ve been dreaming of laughing at Petal as she burrows her face beneath the snow and then takes off like a bullet (because snow is her catnip).
But mostly I’ve been remembering the crazy amounts of snow we use to get while living in the mountains in Northern Utah.
I know we won’t get anything like the snow we got then, but a girl can dream. 😉
That was some insane (and fun, unless you had to shovel the driveway, or you got stuck in said driveway) snow.
January 2008. Ella peeking to see if her doggy friend is home.
That is a six foot fence.
Or at least it was before the snow came and turned it into a four-ish foot fence (say that ten times, fast).
“Grizzly, come over and play!”
Believe it or not, we only got more snow that year.
It piled up and up and we wondered if it would ever stop.
It accumulated more and more and grew taller and taller until…
February 2008. View from our next door neighbor’s backyard.
We got six feet of snow.
Ella no longer needed permission to go visit her boyfriend Grizzly, she just waltzed on over the fence and romped around in the snow with him.
One of the neighbors behind us had the brilliant idea to dig out a path way for their dogs (I think they owned retired racing Greyhounds, but I might be getting them confused with different neighbors), so they could maneuver around their yard a little more easily and wouldn’t be able walk over their fence.
Well, Lassie, Ella, and my Aunt’s dog (who lived with us for a little while) decided to hop on over and pay their yard a little visit.
Hopping over was the easy part, but getting back to their own yard? Impossible. They were stuck in the neighbor’s yard and since they lived behind us, I had to either run around the block or cut through the backyards. I honestly can’t remember which one I did, but cutting through the backwards sounds smarter and faster, so let’s say I did that.
I go and knock on the neighbor’s front door.
“Hi… um… My dogs are stuck in your backyard… Can I get them, please?”
We had a good laugh about that.
I walked the dogs home and, of course, found a better way to let the dogs out to take care of business, because as funny as it was, we didn’t want that happening every day, several times a day.
We definitely won’t get six feet of snow here (which is probably a good thing, because it does become problematic), but I hope we get enough to have some fun in, without getting muddy.
I’m kind of tired of the mud.
I miss this sweet girl everyday.
P.S. I made a goal early in the week to start post regularly again,
so of course I get a terrible cold.
Hopefully we’ll get back on track this week.
Today we are participating in the Black and White Sunday blog hop hosted by You Did What With Your Weiner, Dachshund Nola and My Life In Blog Years.
Want to join the hop? Just follow the rules below.
I know you guys are all probably wondering what happened— believe me, I am too—, but I can only guess and the only guess that makes any sort of sense to me is that her heart just gave out.
It was very quick, very sudden. She didn’t even make it to the vet.
I will tell you more of what I can, but… not now.
The Collies and I will be taking a break from blogging.
I don’t know how long it will be.