Category Archives: ella
Ella loves dirt and Petal hates not being the center of attention
“There is something down there and I WILL get it! I will not stand for vermin in my yard!”
Dig, dig, dig, dig!
“Petal, do you think you could come over here and lend me a paw?”
“Sure! Here you go!”
“…. Very funny.”
Petal may be excellent at raking and washing dishes, but she’s no help at all when it comes to digging.
This is her idea of digging:
She paws very lightly at the dirt.
Can’t risk getting dirt in her nails!
She should be more worried about her head when standing behind Ella while she digs.
“Whoa! Ella! Watch the coat!”
The only reason she even tried to help was to get in the camera lens.
What’s that big blur, you ask?
Why that’s Petal’s mouth and nose!
What is she doing?!
Oh, you know, just biting the camera. That’ll show me to take more pictures of Ella than I did her!
Don’t you worry, Petal, I took pictures of you, too! How could I deny you after you tried to eat my camera? You were being so helpful— of course I took pictures!
I mean look at this! Here you are, working tirelessly, to pull that little tiny bit of grass out of the ground!
Oh… You were just hungry?
Well, okay. But let’s not forget that time you so helpfully pointed out the obvious!
“Ella, you have dirt on your head. And face.”
“Gee, Petal, I wonder how that happened!”
“Are you being sarcastic?! I’m telling!”
That was helpful!
What’s that?
You were more helpful than that?
Oh! That’s right! You did finally get the hang of the whole digging thing, eventually.
Yes, you are doing quite well here.
Though your digging is quite… well… spazzy.
But help is help!
Though I do have to wonder where all that dirt you’re kicking up went…
Ah, yes. Just as I thought. It went all over Lassie.
Needless to say, the poor boy had to relocate.
Maybe it would be best to leave the digging to Ella.
… Even if she does find herself in odd predicaments with that bandana.
Digging is just more Ella’s thing.
Ella is nutty
She likes to rub her body against the fence outside, especially when there’s a nice layer of snow over it. She likes to sprinkle the snow over herself and then shake it all off.
After rubbing and slinking along the fence,
I get a lovely dusting of snow along my back! I look like a powdered sugar covered Mutt.
Mmm, I like sugar.
Now it’s time for the shake off!
And now you’ll have that lovely wet dog smell that the humans love so much!
You’re welcome, humans.
P.S. See my social media buttons up in the right sidebar? The Chronicles of Cardigan helped me put those up and I didn’t even have to pull my hair out or scream. ;]
Wordless Wednesday: We Got Snow for Valentine’s Day
Five Random Facts: Ella
Then I forgot.
Then last night I remembered.
So here we go!
1: Ella likes to go around slapping people and Collies. It hurts like crazy, but she hasn’t been as bad since she began sleeping in the crate; she most enjoys hitting you when you’re asleep and the most vulnerable.
2: I suspect she is part Vizsla for numerous reasons.
3: She will always give kisses.
4: If she even smells peanut butter she starts licking the air and her lips.
5: She likes to stick her head between your knees; if you’re standing in a doorway and she does it from behind you, it’s to peek inside the other room. If you’re just standing in the middle of the room and she’s standing in front of you, it’s to beg for a neck scratch.
Next will be Lassie and I will not forgot this time! ;]
Wanna win some treats? Check out this post!
Happy Saturday! 😀
Saturday Pet Blogger Hop!
Wanna Hear a Joke?
“Hey Ella, wanna hear a joke? Hehe, it’s a good one!”
“Sure! What is it?”
“Okay, here it goes. Knock knock!”
“Who’s there?”
“So it’s you at the door?”
“No! Ella! Play along!”
“Alright, alright. Collie who?”
“Collie Miss Molly, I don’t know!”
Petal: “HAHAHAH, wasn’t that funny!?”
Ella: ROFL
Now, who’s up for a little giveaway?
Lassie, Ella and Petal have decided that they would like to give away one of the boxes of treats they received from Mr. Chewy!
These are the treats they’ve chosen to give away:
Sojos Bacon and Cheddar cookies!
Wordless Wednesday: Whoosh!
Hello Camera!
“Hello Mr. Camera! Get a close up of me! Ignore the girls in the background!”
“Don’t ignore me, Camera! Look at my tongue!”
“No, Camera! Look at MY tongue!”
“And watch me squish Petal into the ground!”
The camera witnesses some brutal things sometimes.
Y’know, when dog noses aren’t being shoved in it’s lens.