Hey everyone, Petal here.
I’ve taken over the keyboard to warn all you doggies that my cousin, Penny, is a dirty, lousy, ankle biting, tail snatching cheater.

Don’t think this sweet little face is capable of cheating?
Well, you’re wrong. So wrong, friends.
Just look at the photographic proof!
Example number 1:
Here I am, minding my own business,

Then all of the sudden,
she came running out of no where and body slammed me!
Thud, right against my ribs.
Good thing I’m a super strong super hero and just laughed it off, like super strong pups do.
Example number 2:
Here we are, enjoying a lovely game of chase, but why is Penny running with her mouth wide open like that?
Looks like she’s getting ready to take a bite out of something, doesn’t she?
That’s because she is.
Yes, that IS my tail in her mouth! The little piranha!
You see, Penny is jealous of my spectacular speed, but instead of simply being faster, she grabs hold of my tail to keep up.
Case closed.
Penny is a cheater cheater, poopoo pumpkin eater.
But we still have fun.
Yours truly,