You can see the colored version on our Instagram account @marquieandpetal ;] Today we’re participating in the Black and White Sunday blog hop hosted by Dachshund Nola and Sugar The Golden Retriever. Thank you Nola and Sugar!
Over the holidays Kol’s Notes and many other fantastic blogs hosted an Advent Calendar with 24 days of giveaways. We entered these fun giveaways and were lucky enough to walk away with a prize!
We won two Unbreakoballs and they just arrived about two hours ago. One regular sized and one large sized. Like REALLY large. It’s awesome.
I entered to win this particular prize with my sister’s dog Penny in mind. She’s a ball fanatic and incredibly destructive.
Here she is, super excited about her prize (or the treats in my pocket, who knows ;))
She’s actually a little leery of the larger ball, but by the end of our playtime outside she was warming up to it. She loves the smaller ball and is still trying to figure out how to pick it up.
These balls are thick, sturdy, and a bit heavy. I think they’re definitely going to be impossible for Penny to destroy! Which is great, because she only had two toys of her very own before, now she’s got four. 😉
The balls are also made in the USA! How great is that?
Here are both of the girls posing with them, because Petal wants to be included, even though she couldn’t care less about these giant orange balls.
Thank you to Unbreakoball and the hosts of the Advent Calendar! Penny is very happy to have some more toys to play with and we’re all happy she can’t chew them apart and then swallow them. 😉
Now for a little Throwback. I had a whole other post ready for this, but… it took a really sad turn. I’m saving it for another day. Maybe.
Instead I’ll do a silly throwback.
Throwback to Petal’s first training bra!
5 months old and wearing her first training bra! ;P
We’re joining the Throwback Thursday blog hop hosted by Dolly the Doxie and DOGthusiast.
We’re also joining the new Barks and Bytes blog hop hosted by 2 Brown Dawgs and Heart Like A Dog.
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With the New Year comes New Year’s resolutions. Typically you come up with resolutions before the New Year begins, but… well, I did not. I wasn’t going to, but then Petal decided she wanted to make some, so I thought I should too.
Petal’s Resolutions:
1. Spend more time modeling, thus earning more treats
2. Spend more time being adorable, thus earning more treats
3. Spend more time mastering tricks faster than my human can, thus earning more treats
4. Spend more time pinning my ears back and looking pathetic, thus earning more treats
Umm… So basically, Petal’s New Years resolution is to get fat.
My Dog Related Resolutions:
1. Buy, as often as I can, dog products made in the USA (just a fun little challenge)
2. Buy Petal’s supplies locally as often as possible
3. Spend more time thinking of clever ways/finding cool places to take pictures of Petal
4. Do my best to save for and plan for a road trip with Petal (I really want to take her to a beach)
5. Start making room for and searching for a sister for Petal
Oh, Petal wants to add one two more to her list after reading mine:
5. Start charging more (treats) for my modeling services
6. Prevent Mom from getting me a sister, a sister would cause my treat rations to be cut in half and that would mess up all of my resolutions. Not cool, lady.
If this is her list, then I should add one more to mine as well:
6. I resolve to exercise Petal, and myself, more. 😉
Did you guys make any New Year’s Resolutions?