Today we are participating in the Sepia Saturday blog hop hosted by Ruckus the Eskie and Earl’s World. Thank you Ruckus and Earl!
We saw lots of pretty flowers…
A winding path…
A spotless ladybug…
A colorful bus…
Lots of people riding bikes…
And I saw plenty of this cute booty…
And the sweet face on the other end. 😉
I had her climb up on this rock. She looked pretty proud of herself up there.
Even though I had her in a stay, I had my sister hold her leash while I took pictures. We were too close to a busy road for my comfort.
“You gotta use the crosswalk to cross the street!”
Petal also met a 15 year old buddy named Rufus. He was out for a stroll with his human too.
I didn’t get any pictures of that though.
Petal exactly where she belongs: with the petals. 😉
It was a beautiful, relaxing walk.
P.S. If you haven’t already, please go send some love to Benny & Lily of Two French Bulldogs.
Petal wants to remind all you doggies to have your human enter you in our KONG Treats giveaway! They’re very tasty treats. 😉
Love this Collie smile!
Anyway. Enough about spam. Enjoy Petal’s lovely face. 😉
P.S. If you haven’t already, go enter our Vitacost giveaway. You could win $25 to spend at Vitacost.com!
Today we are participating in the Black and White Sunday blog hop hosted by You Did What With Your Weiner, Dachshund Nola and My Life In Blog Years.
Today we are participating in the BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday blog hop.
Join the blog up below.
At first the Collies weren’t so sure about this walking in the rain business.
“Get our fur wet? You’re joking, right?”
But then they realized it wasn’t so bad. In fact, it was nice and cool and refreshing!
Lassie played more than he usually does with Petal. She loved that.
We came home with two muddy and soggy Collies. Our bone dry and squeaky clean Mutt sure was happy she stayed home!
With the unfamiliar weather and the slight change in our walking routine (we usually walk the trail and then turn around and go back the way we came, but today we walked the trail and then went out onto the road and walked around the block instead (to get away from the slippery mud)), Petal was much more alert and would respond to me at the drop of a dime.
It made for one of those moments where you realize all your hard work with training really paid off.
Petal kept so busy on the trail. Everything smells stronger and different when wet! She loved sniffing everything.
“Alright, time for breakfast!”
We came home, dried the Collies, fed them breakfast, washed their muddy paws, and now they’re napping.
I think I might join them. 😉
Have a lovely weekend!
“Hey Mom, let’s rent a tuxedo and stick it on Lassie! BOL!”
Greeting and sniffing the creepy fake man.
This statue guy use to freak Petal out every time. Now she doesn’t bat an eye at him.
Anyway, our walk also had a little of
And Petal playing chicken.
One street that we walked down had a small amount of sidewalk and Petal just veered right off of it and into the street, but before I could correct her, she came back up onto the sidewalk.
Don’t worry, though, her leash isn’t long enough for her to get out into the middle of the road. She really only made it to the gutter of the street and she didn’t do it again after I discouraged it.
No dogs were harmed during this walk. ;]
Did I mention how windy it was?
Yeah. There were a few times that I was sure the wind would just carry us away. I came home wiping dirt off my face and out of my ears and my eyes burned for a little while after.
It was crazy. It was fun. It blew in the snow storm we got Tuesday night and Wednesday morning.
But it was lovely and we sat outside a coffee shop and watched cars drive by and some people as they worked on remodeling a movie theater that’s been for sale for years now.
I’m excited to see what they do with it. I hope they keep it a movie theater and don’t turn it into something else.
Snowy nosies!
Cozy warm back at home!
We’re loving the snow! We hope it sticks around for awhile, but we’re not holding our breath for it because it likely won’t.
So we’ll just enjoy it while we have it. :]