Category Archives: ella
Wordless Wednesday: The only treat that has made her drool
Monday Mischief: Mud, mud, mud

You’ll have to excuse the quality of the photos. They were taken with a cell phone. Not too bad for a cell phone though!
This picture does not do Ella’s dirty-self any justice.
See how her chest appears to be a peachish color? Her neck and white feet looked the same.
She had a lovely layer of mud alll over herself.
But no one, no one, can outdo Petal.
“Do I have a little something on my face?”
She had to have a bath.
With shampoo and everything (Ella only needed a quick rinse).
I think she might still be a little peachy-colored here and there.
Kicking up dirt

Or am I just crazy?
(naw, you don’t need to answer that. ;))
Because I find myself envying admiring their powerful four legs often.
Admiring the graceful way they move.
Until they face-plant it in the mud.
Then I don’t feel so jealous anymore.
Happy Saturday, everyone!
Have a lovely weekend!
"Wow! Look at those show dogs!"

Adorable still, yes.
But they’re not about to enter a show ring, are they?
Oh, and yes, I did have to go all the way back to the winter time (early December, to be exact) to find a goofy, candid shot of Lassie. That’s when he really lets his hair down; when there’s snow.
He’s obviously not a mud fan like Petal and Ella are.
Speaking of Ella,
Ella is 6!
a new collar and a new ball!
Spoiled pup.
Ella hasn’t had a new collar in two years (that’s a world record for her; she ruins the usual collar within weeks, thank goodness I discovered Dublin Dog collars) and though she didn’t really need a new one, I got her one anyway, because hey, it’s her birthday!
She also got some tasty dog cookies from our local pet store/bakery.
Because no birthday is complete without cookies!
Cookie time!
Today is also Thankful Thursday.
How great is that?
Today, on Ella’s birthday (and everyday, but today especially), we are thankful for Ella.
We’re grateful she’s so strong and healthy.
We’re grateful for her kisses and snuggles.
We’re grateful for her silly, wiggly dances, even if it does hurt like the dickens when you stand too close to her tail.
Yes, I did just say “hurt like the dickens”
We’re grateful for her hilarious “roo roo roooo”s and the way she’ll shimmy down a dirt hill on her back.
We’re grateful for her entire sweet self.
Especially her extremely soft ears.
Thank you Cokie the Cat for hosting this blog hop!
What mutts are made of
Today’s walk
Well, that’s what the sky looked like. It was definitely brighter than that out. 😉
It was so cool and lovely out.
The dogs were surprisingly mellow.
That’s not to say that they didn’t run around and have a blast though.
They just weren’t as ZOOM! WHOOSH! as they usually are.
So, after they got a little running around done, our walk was pretty calm and peaceful.
Lassie was, of course, glued to my side (where the treat bag is!) after he played for his usual 2-10 seconds.
Petal and Ella, once they were done racing, hopped around, going from bush to bush, as they sniffed about.
Then we (we being me, my Mom, and Ella) came across this little guy:
Or girl.
I wouldn’t really know.
Speaking of me not knowing, I’m not entirely sure what he/she is.
Anyone know?
After doing a few Google searches he looks like a tiger salamander to me.
Though I don’t know what he was doing out there. There wasn’t any water in sight.
A few slightly (very slightly) rainy days and suddenly the salamanders are moving in. ;P