Crushin’ Bottles

Lassie, for as long as I can remember, has absolutely loved the sound of crushing a plastic bottle between his teeth. So when he found this plastic bottle it was just asking to be crushed.


So he crushed it between his teeth and looped around the couch as he crunched on it. I went for the camera and he ditched the bottle on the floor, of course, so I missed getting any pictures of him with the bottle, but I did get a few of Petal with it. She’s fond of crushing them, too, but mostly she likes to chew the tops.

“What? You and Lassie said it yourselves: it was asking to be crushed!”

Ella thinks they’re both insane, of course, chewing up squeakers pulled from innocent stuffed animals is where it’s at!

Snoopy's Dog Blog

Collie wrestling and different playing styles

I love watching Lassie and Petal play together.
It’s so fun to watch two dogs of the same breed play. Of course it’s fun to watch any dogs play and interact together, regardless of breed, but there’s just something about watching dogs of the same breed.
Collies, for example, like to herd. They like to challenge their minds and they’re quick thinkers and learners. So you’ll see them putting these traits to use when they’re playing and since they both have the same instincts, it’s interesting to see them use them on each other.

Like, for example, the way Lassie and Petal wrestle is very different from the way Petal and Ella wrestle or even the way Lassie and Ella wrestle (if you can call it wrestling).
Petal often gets her butt kicked by Ella in the wrestling department. Ella will smack her down to the ground and they’ll wrestle and wrestle and then break off into a run (which Petal starts because Ella gets too intense for her sometimes).
Lassie and Ella don’t wrestle much anymore. Their wrestling matches consist more of Lassie sunbathing and Ella coming up and smacking him until he gets annoyed and then she runs off, hoping he’ll chase her, and sometimes he does.

Though Lassie won’t wrestle Ella anymore, he will wrestle Petal. Why? Ella’s style is too rough. Petal’s style is much more like Lassie’s, so he prefers to wrestle with her. Lassie and Petal don’t pin each other to the ground, ever. But pinning Petal to the ground is Ella’s favorite move. Lassie and Petal’s wrestling matches are also considerably more moderate than Ella’s. And, in a way, they’re more graceful too.
But they’re also louder, because they like to trash talk each other. 😉

These pictures are about a month old, but this is how it’s done. 😉

Petal likes to wrap her front paws around Lassie’s neck and bite at his ears and mane. Then when he bites back, she leaps away and runs a circle as he nips at her. Then they nip at each other’s faces and bonk their long noses together (I call this sword fighting, haha). They bark, they nip at each other’s feet, they duck out of the way, they jump back, they run a circle and come back for more. It usually ends in a high speed chase around the yard and then it’s over and onto the next game. They won’t go at for ages on end like Ella likes to do. With my Collies, they like to play a few different games during their play sessions outside and nearly all of their games involve me in some way. Ella is the opposite. She’ll play one game (wrestle, chase, or fetch) until she’s tired and then she digs (of course) and the only game she needs me for is fetch (unless we’re playing indoors, then she does like to play tug with me).

It’s fun to see how different they each are. Even Lassie and Petal, being the same breed, are much different from each other. And even though Ella’s our resident mutt and mystery dog, she has some things in common with Lassie and Petal.

What about your dogs? How do they like to play with other dogs? What’s their favorite game to play with other dogs?

Collie Soccer

“Hey you, lazy human, put that camera down and come play soccer with me!”

“Unless you think you can’t handle it.”

“Wow! That was a good kick! Come back here, ball!”

“I’m right on your tail now!”

“Well played, human.”

Petal’s way of playing soccer is actually very amusing. She often looks like she’s trying to herd the ball. She also likes to run around with it in her mouth and it’s a good sized ball (from Planet Dog, just incase you were wondering, not endorsing anything ;), as you can see, so she drops it often and goes after it again. I should get a video of her playing with it, because it really is very adorable.

Demanding Collies

“Hey Mom, wanna play with me? I’ll go get a toy!”
“No Mom! I’ll go get a BETTER toy and you will play with ME!”
“Hey Mom!”
“Hey Mom!”
“I got a ball!”
“I got a rope!”
Good thing they both got distracted before they made it back to me. I didn’t have to choose.
Happy Saturday! Enjoy your weekend!

Lassie’s Idea of Playing Fetch

Lassie’s version of fetch is fairly simple. Not that the traditional version of fetch isn’t simple, it’s just not Lassie’s style.
His idea of fetch is, sure, I’ll go get it! I’ll even bring it back, but good luck getting it from me.

“Here Momma, throw it again!”

Here he is bringing it back and looking all sweet and like he’s just begging for you to throw it for him, aww.

“Really Momma, take it!”

I reached down to take it and he whips around and runs off with it, probably laughing at how silly and gullible his human is.

He’s just like Lucy.


The Saturday Pet Blogger Hop!

How to Make a Collie Snow Angel

Today Lassie is going to show you all— Collies and NonCollies alike— how to make a Collie Snow Angel in just five easy steps!
Step 1: Pick a good spot in the snow, lay down, and commence rubbing your snout around in it.

Step 2: When ready, begin kicking legs around in the snow while still rubbing your snout around in it.

Step 3: Begin rolling your whole body around in the snow.

Step 4: Keep rolling! You may have to lick a little snow off of your face and, if you have any, you may also have to ignore your doggy sibling/s if they try to distract you and get you to play with them instead. You mustn’t get distracted, this Collie Snow Angel making is serious business.

Step 5: Once you’re satisfied with your snow angel, get up and shake off all that snow!

And that is how you make a Collie Snow Angel! ;]

Quick little note: I updated my Q-tip Review with a little note about the Precision Tips. The smaller, Purse Pack of the Precision Tips are not available for sale, see the post for more details. Thanks!

Fun with the Kong Flyer

As you may know, for Petal’s second birthday I got her the KONG Flyer.
And she is in love with it.
Which makes me so happy. I was worried she would rather play with the collapsable bowl, haha.
But she loves this frisbee so much more than that bowl!
She loves to carry it around in her mouth. She’ll even carry it out into the yard for me.
She runs like a crazy little Collie and even tries to jump up and snatch it out of the air.
She hasn’t succeeded yet, but it’s still cool to watch.
I’ve been using treats and the clicker to teach her to bring it back to me so I won’t have to chase her down for it, haha. So far so good! We’ve only worked on it twice with the clicker and she’s catching on really quickly.
Gotta love clicker training.
And a bright Collie. ;]
Anyway, on to the pictures!

Chasing it down.

Bringing it back like a good little Collie.

Posing with it.



Throw it again! Throw it again!


I know, I know. There are hardly any action shots.
Turns out holding a clicker, treats, camera and throwing a frisbee all at the same time is rather difficult!
So I got distracted with having her pose with it instead and by the time I decided to try and get a few more action shots in, the camera battery died, haha. Oh well. Next time. ;]

Also, just thought I would share this because I find it pretty funny: I fell down the stairs today.
Well, okay, that’s a little dramatic. I slipped off the last step and landed on my butt in the snow and hit my back against the steps. Yeah, it hurt, but mostly it was just really funny because Petal turned around and looked at me like “Why are you on the ground?” Then she play bowed and started hopping around in the snow. “Is this a game?! It’s a game, isn’t it?! I wanna play! Let’s play!” Silly dog. And while she was doing this Lassie was sniffing me and making sure I was okay, then he stood nice and still so I could use him to pick myself back up.

And now my back is sore.
But Petal’s reaction still makes me laugh.

Yay! More snow!

Yesterday, at midnight, we finally received a generous amount of snow, just in time for December!
Ella acts pretty excited about it, but that doesn’t mean she wants to be out there any longer than it takes to do her business. ;] So she stayed in the nice warm house while I took the Collies out to play in the snow! And now I have pictures and a video to share with you all.

Petal zooms!

Petal & Lassie. Note that in the last picture Petal is showing Lassie the yellow snow (that she created) and explaining to him that we don’t eat the yellow snow. ;]

Pretty little snow angel.

It was really windy when I recorded this and the sound was super obnoxious, so I threw in a Christmas song instead. Enjoy!

Is anyone else enjoying some snow? What do your dogs like to do in the snow?