I’m grateful for all my toys. Including all the ones I hope to receive for my upcoming birthday— hint hint, human Mom. 😉 It’s day three of Share Gratitude week! A blog hop brought to you by Cascadian Nomads, Oz … Continue reading
I’m grateful for all my toys. Including all the ones I hope to receive for my upcoming birthday— hint hint, human Mom. 😉 It’s day three of Share Gratitude week! A blog hop brought to you by Cascadian Nomads, Oz … Continue reading
Earth Rated, our favorite poop bag company, was recently giving away some adorable green bandanas and we were lucky enough to receive one! This simple green bandana got my creative juices flowing and I started finding many different ways for … Continue reading
Petal’s favorite game is Keep Away. A game that Lassie proudly taught her.
Basically, she enjoys teasing me, just like Lassie did.
I was ready to reach out and grab that toy, I was on the ground and everything, when she swoops in and snatches it, leaving me with nothing but the perfect opportunity to photograph her favorite game.
Little stinker!
If that’s not enough mischief for you, I can also say with 83% certainty, that if I were ever shrunken down to the size of a bug, she would squish me.
Maybe not on purpose, but still.
Always asking the important questions. 😉
Today we are joining the Monday Mischief blog hop hosted by Alfie’s Blog, My Brown Newfies, and Snoopy’s Dog Blog. Thanks for hosting!
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P.S. What do you think of our new look?
Funny enough I changed the blog’s look because I didn’t want a snowy header anymore (I couldn’t change just the header, once I got going I couldn’t stop until it was all changed, haha), I wanted a fresh look. So I revamped the place during yesterday’s snow storm.
I have good timing, I know.
Today we are participating in the Black and White Sunday blog hop hosted by You Did What With Your Weiner, Dachshund Nola and My Life In Blog Years.