Category Archives: collie
My dog takes her baby to bed
Actually, I have two.
They’re adorable and the other day I thought, “Hey, I have two, so why not share one with Lassie and Petal?”
So I dug one of them out. I give him to Petal every now and then when Penny is occupied with a Kong (she would kill him, haha).
One night I pulled him off the bookshelf and gave him to Petal saying, “Petal take your baby to bed!”
Then I was pleasantly surprised when she took him and carried him off to the couch where she had previously been sleeping.
I was also bummed that I hadn’t thought to record it.
Lucky for me she did it again the next day and this time I recorded it.
Ignore my squeaky little voice. I don’t know why I talk to Petal like that sometimes. Maybe because she’s so cute. Maybe I’m just insane, who knows.
Night night Petal and Nameless Baby!
What should we call her baby? Any suggestions?
P.S. I almost forgot!
Some of your guesses for what Petal was doing yesterday were very, very close! She was enjoying some frozen snacks out of her Kong. I don’t know why she was eating on her head. I’ve never seen her do that before, silly dog.
Your guys’ guesses were really amusing. I really liked the guess about her searching the cushion for goodies because she actually does that daily while making all sorts of snorting sounds in the cushions. It’s hilarious.
Wordless Wednesday: Can you guess what Petal’s doing?
Black and White Sunday: Shadows
Me and Lassie, April 29 2013.
Today we are participating in the Black and White Sunday blog hop hosted by You Did What With Your Weiner, Dachshund Nola and My Life In Blog Years.
Then all of the sudden,
she came running out of no where and body slammed me!
Thud, right against my ribs.
Good thing I’m a super strong super hero and just laughed it off, like super strong pups do.
Example number 2:
Here we are, enjoying a lovely game of chase, but why is Penny running with her mouth wide open like that?
Looks like she’s getting ready to take a bite out of something, doesn’t she?
That’s because she is.
Yes, that IS my tail in her mouth! The little piranha!
You see, Penny is jealous of my spectacular speed, but instead of simply being faster, she grabs hold of my tail to keep up.
Case closed.
Penny is a cheater cheater, poopoo pumpkin eater.
But we still have fun.
Yours truly,
Wordless Wednesday: When you pose pretty you get…
It’s about time!
Saturday my Dad drilled holes in the PVC pipe caps so I could thread the stakes through them. I wanted to stake these weave poles into the ground rather than making a base for them for two reasons:
1) My first set of weave poles had a base made of PVC pipe and that worked out perfectly at our old home where we had a garage and a basement to stash them in when the wind got insane. However, once we moved to our current location, with no garage and no basement, the weave poles blew away long before Petal even arrived. Hopefully these ones won’t be going anywhere.
2) I think (and, again, hope) this will make them easier to pack up and move with.
Voilà! Finally finished!
There are a total of 12 poles.
Petal is already practicing (so is Lassie and even Penny, but I don’t have any pictures of them).
At first I could tell by the look on her face that she thought I had gone completely nutty, but she’s already starting to grasp what’s going on here and I think she’s starting to have fun with it.
Black and White Sunday: Pensive Petal
Oct. 4 2012
Today we are participating in the Black and White Sunday blog hop hosted by You Did What With Your Weiner, Dachshund Nola and My Life In Blog Years.