For those of you who may be new here, Ella is my lab mix, my second dog of my very own, who passed away far too young in August of 2012. Just as I am grateful for having known Lassie … Continue reading
For those of you who may be new here, Ella is my lab mix, my second dog of my very own, who passed away far too young in August of 2012. Just as I am grateful for having known Lassie … Continue reading
One year ago today my best friend and heart dog passed away. He was only two months away from his 9th birthday. Far too young to pass away. I miss him everyday. He taught me so many valuable lessons about … Continue reading
I took a walk down Memory Lane and found this picture of Ella. She almost looks bored to me, which is crazy because she always had tons to do between all the dog toys and chews and neighborhood dogs that … Continue reading
I was so excited to find these pictures last night. Last week I wrote about how sad it makes me that I’ll never have new photos of Lassie. These photos are certainly not new, they’re from 2007, but for a … Continue reading
I miss having 3 dogs. Sure it was 3x the work and 3x the expensive, but it was 3x the fun, 3x the silliness and laughter, 3x the joy and 3x the love. It was worth it.
I was looking through pictures of the 3 of them the other day. I cried but I also smiled as I remembered each moment, remembered how they use to play with each other and bother each other.
Taking a breather. Ella had to be kept on a long line to prevent her from running off and teaching Petal, an impressionable pup, the same behavior. She still had a blast though!
I miss my trio. I miss being Two Collies and a Mutt. Petal misses her brother and sister.
My sweet boy pretending like he’s actually going to bring me the ball and let me have it.
A close up of Ella’s incredible eye. One of my favorite pictures of her.
I miss them both dearly. I can tell Petal does too.
Today we are joining the Throwback Thursday blog hop hosted by Dolly the Doxie and DOGthusiast.
I’m thinking Thursdays, because of Throwback Thursday, are going to regularly be about Lassie and/or Ella. I miss them both terribly and though they’ve passed on that doesn’t mean I can’t blog about them anymore. I have a lot of memories and photos of them that I can share. Throwback Thursday is the perfect opportunity to do just that.
October 2007. I took this photo through the railing of our front porch steps. We were living in the mountains of Northern Utah at this time. A very beautiful place to live. Lassie loved to walk through the neighborhood with me. He introduced me to kind people by being a wonderful conversation starter. He scared away the kids that picked on me by being a very loud barker. Little did they know the worst he would’ve done to them was poke them with his snout. He always knew when I was upset and he always knew exactly how to cheer me up. We were each other’s best friend. We did almost everything together and we were rarely seen apart. I didn’t fit in with the kids my age in our neighborhood, but I had Lassie and his friendship was the most loyal and loving friendship I will ever have. He changed me forever and will always be a huge part of who I am. Which is why this blog was made with him at the forefront of my mind.
July 2007. Ella often looked like she was smiling! She was a happy dog and as a puppy she was pretty laid back. Her vet loved her so much that he often asked me if he could keep her. Ella liked people during her early years, but she much preferred the company of her fellow canines. She didn’t come to love being rubbed and petted and doted on by us humans until she was 2 years old. Until then Ella spent most of her time with other dogs. We almost always had a neighbor’s dog hanging out at our house. She had a “boyfriend” who lived next door (and is now at the Rainbow Bridge with her) named Grizzly. Grizzly loved Ella so much that he dug a hole under our fences so he could come over whenever he wanted to visit her. We were really good friends with his humans, so he knew us well and his family always knew where he was when he went “missing”. Ella was hard not to fall in love with. She radiated so much love and happiness most of the time. Most of the time because she certainly had her “back off!” moments, but we’re all allowed those moments.
Also, Petal wants to tell you all that we’re finally expecting some snow. I’ve told her not to get her hopes up because we’ve been “expecting” snow a few times now and got nothing. But my weather app says there is a 100% chance of precipitation tonight, so we’ll see.
Snow? For me? I hope so! Photo from December, when we had lots of snow.
We’re having very dark and stormy skies today. The sun has been gone all day and it feels like it’s been the same time all day. I’m not gonna lie, I love it. I associate this weather with venturing out in my coat and mittens and with Petal happily trotting beside me. With going back inside to get warm and cozy beneath the blankets with a mug of hot chocolate in my hand and a view of snow falling in a beautiful flurry from the sky. It feels like the world slows down a little and I like that.
But I don’t like mud. So I’m hoping for lots of snow, if we do, indeed, receive some.
I’ve been thinking about this incredible dog a lot today.
She would’ve been 7 years old on Friday, the 26th.
I spent Friday morning stressed and nervous; I was forgetting something.
Late afternoon things calmed down and the day was really turning around. It was becoming a really great day after all.
Then I remembered what I had forgotten: Ella’s birthday.
The funny thing (but not “ha ha” funny, strange funny) is, as I remembered what day it was, my mood only improved. It brought a smile to my face. I didn’t expect that. I thought I would cry, I didn’t.
I miss her. I really miss her. But her birthday, her first birthday since her passing, did not darken what was turning out to be a great day, it only made it better. I don’t know why. I can’t explain it. I guess I just… felt, somehow, closer to her in a way.
Today, however, I’ve been battling the waterworks as I look through her pictures. I miss this bossy, noisy, sweet, weird, funny, overly affectionate, gorgeous mutt.